Breaking Point

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Chapter 1


Bright Eyes

.David was looking out his window at an old boot tied to a telephone wire. He saw a mocking jay land plushly into the boot. The flaps of the boots expand, an the remains of the shoelaces loosen up. The sunlight gently kissed his face as the evening sun fell out of the blue sky. David pushed his hands on the fragile glass, trying to grab the sun out of the horizon.

A dark figure appeared behind him, it had evil looking green eyes and a monstrous white smile. "Hello David, I've been waiting for you". David quickly turned around, David's heart was racing at the sight of the stranger. "Who are you...what are you". The stranger's eyes glowed softly and angrily at David. "My name is Discord, Hans Discord."

David backed up against the window, the window cracked a little. "Why me? What do you want?!" The stranger's patience was wearing thin...the stranger's body began to sizzle like fire. David was stunned by the stranger's actions, he backed up again, the window cracked more. The more the stranger did the more David would back up against the window. The stranger went calm again, "Please listen David, I'm a "friend" of your father, so don't run away..."

David's nerves eased as Hans' voice became soft and gentle. "David please I have something you need to see". David stepped forward and looked Han in the eyes. His eyes looked beautiful and passionate. "A-are you an angel?",asked David. Hans' eyes got very wide and glowed and harsh light. Silence filled the room until Hans broke the silence, "...yes..." replied Hans. David was relieved he slowly approached Hans, ready to listen. "Well now, have we stopped acting cowardly?" David chuckled.

Hans looked at the door and faded through it.

David was puzzled,he wondered how Hans did all these amazing tricks.David walked toward the door slowly. He put his hand on the doorknob and turned it very slowly, when I say slowly I mean SLOWLY. He opened to door to find a blinding white light in doorway,nothing but white for miles.

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