Blink And You Will Miss Them

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Gabe: "Why are you worried?"

Rob: "I'm worried about Simon, I'm worried that he will relapse in his thoughts and try to cling onto the closet person to him which would be either you or Harry. It just scares me because I'm afraid that if he did cling onto one of you guys that someone might say something to try and keep him at bay and he will take it the wrong way and leave."

Gabe: "Are you trying to tell me your worried about Simon trying to get with me?"

Rob: "No I am worried about him getting the wrong idea if you guys push him away if he get's too clingy. I know what Pepe are like in his situation, he will either always be near you guys or holding onto you for support, or he will block and shut you guys out of everything and will refuse to talk."

Gabe: "How many times have you gone through this?"

Rob: "I uh. I lost my brother because of it. He was going through a really rough stage and no one took the time to talk to him. He would always come to me but it started to affect My job (Lol) and I had to tell him to leave me alone at one stage. I felt horrible afterwards when I got a call from my mum telling me they found him at the bottom of a bridge as he had been shut out completely. I just don't want anyone else to go through that. It's a horrible feeling and no one deserves it."

Gabe: "It's fine Rob, I'm sure we will be able to look after him. And he can't be too clingy, I think after everything that has happened that he is allowed to hold onto one of us for support."

Rob: "Yeah I guess your right. I'll uh. I will talk to you later hopefully?"

Gabe: "Rob come here."

I stood up properly as he got closer to me. I had to stand on my toes as I was shorter than he was but I leaned up and connected our lips together, his rugged and experienced lips danced with my own. As I pulled away from him I felt my body start to heat up.

Rob: "I uh, um yeah so uh that was uh... A thing."

Gabe: "Don't worry ok? We will be fine. I promise you."

I walked over to my bag and zipped it up, having made sure that it had everything in it. I also grabbed my laptop bag because I obviously needed to get that chapter sent off otherwise they would hound me like a dog. I picked up my bag and head downstairs to the others who were waiting for me. Though only Rob, Harry, Ryan and Simon were down here while Kylie was in the kitchen.

Gabe: "Where are the boys?"

Ryan: "All over with the boys. Rob and Kylie said they will go over soon but wanted to see us off."

Kylie: "Tou mean Rob is here because he wanted to see Gabe off."

Gabe: "Shut up Kylie. But I'm ready when you guys are."

Harry: "Mine and Simon's bags are already in the car. You can chuck your bags in on top or something. How come your bringing your laptop?"

Gabe: "Gotta do work stuff for tonight then I'm good."

Simon: "Can we go please?"

Ryan: "I'm all set."

As we all agreed to leave. I waved off Kylie and Rob before heading out to the car. Throwing my bag in and buckling my seat belt before Harry got in the driver's seat. I looked out the window and noticed Josh on his phone while Ethan was texting someone, Tobi was looking through the mirror which was kind of creepy but ah well. I'm sure he's just worried for his mate. We eventually drove out of the drive way and I sat back with my head resting on the chair behind me.

Ryan: "You seem quiet?"

Gabe: "Do I? Sorry we just got in the car and left, I haven't had much chance to see Britain so I'm actually excited for this trip."

Harry: "So am I. It will be nice to get out of London for a few days. I love it here but staying in the country would be nice."

Ryan: "How far away is your place though?"

Harry: "From the SideMen house?"

Gabe: "Yeah?"

Harry: "I'd say about Fifteen to Twenty minutes. It's a decent distance but not too much to where it's annoying to drive there."

Gabe: "That's fair I guess. I mean it could be worse?"

Harry: "How could it be worse?"

Gabe: "You could live in another country like the Minecrafters?"

Ryan: "Hey."

I couldn't help but laugh at his fake mock of insult.

Harry: "He has a point though which is the sad part. I mean I guess with me originating from Guernsey would already be weird enough as it is but in actuality I love it there and I love it here. It works out well."

Gabe: "True, if you could choose one over the other would you?"

Harry: "I mean I live here in London so I guess I don't have much of a choice do I?"

Gabe: "Yeah but still? Like I was originally from Australia. If I had to choose between Australia and Britain I think I would stay here, I've met some incredible friends here and you guys are a lot of fun. And I really like the place I live in with Kylie. She's my best friend so I doubt I would ever leave without her."

Ryan: "Not going to lie if I had to choose somewhere in the world to live I think I would stay in Florida. But that's only because I've lived there for a long time and it has made me the man I am today."

Gabe: "Your alright I guess."

I watched as Ryan smiled and laughed at my horrible joke. Harry still driving else Simon remained silent through the whole conversation.

Harry: "I'm quite surprised, traffic is normally bad around this time."

Gabe: "Bad as in bumper to bumper or bad as in absolutely empty and there are a few cars on the road?"

Harry: "I'm not sure, normally it's the fact that it's empty but I mean it could be normal for it to be this empty."

Ryan: "That's a good thing though. We can just drive casually to where we need to go and if we feel like stopping along the way we can."

Gabe: "Oh that reminds me, will the Cal boys be home?"

Harry: "No I think Callux is staying with his girlfriend for a few days and Freezy's out for the night."

Gabe: "Ok so who is going to sleep where?"

Harry: "Well even with them freeing up their beds, we would still be one short."

Ryan: "I mean I'm happy to bunk with Gabe, I've had to do it for a while since waiting for my be to arrive at home so I had to bunk with Jerome for a bit. It makes it easier on you and Simon and gives you both your own room as well."

Harry: "Yeah sure if that's alright with you Gabe?"

Gabe: "Yeah I'm fine with that. Sorry got a bit distracted with my phone. It keeps buzzing for some reason but it keeps coming up with a blocked ID and it's kind of annoying me. Rule number one you never answer a blocked number."

Ryan: "You don't know anyone here to have blocked a persons number."

Gabe: "It's not blocked but it might as well be with the No Caller ID but still."

Harry: "Have they tried to call you before?"

Gabe: "No not that I can..."

Simon: "WATCH OUT!"

I could barely react before I felt the impact. My body was kept to the seat by the seat belt but my arms and my body that was not currently restrained was tossed to the left from the point of impact, my eyes closed out of instinct and my body felt like it was in so much pain, I had no idea what just happened as I couldn't move my neck right now, my body was in a lot of pain but I could still open my eyes. As the car came to a sudden stop, my head jerked back and hit the window, causing it to break and shatter. The force and pressure knocking me out cold.

Threats From The Past (MiniMinter FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang