Ch. 8-Stress

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also make sure you read the authors note at the end




ok bye.


Madison's POV

I was freaking out.

There wasn't enough time left in class to tell Allie about what happened when Jake and I were in the sink room, so I just told her at lunch. She was really excited for me, but I didn't get my hopes up. I didn't even know him, there's no reason to get worked up about nothing.

He's a sophomore, I would tell my self.


The rest of the week went on like usual, and before we knew it Allie and I had completed our first week of highschool together.

On Friday night, Allie came over to hangout and spend the night. We decided to just have a relaxing night, just to hangout, since we were pretty tired from school. My parents were going out that night to a dinner for my dad's work, so we had the house to ourselves. We are pizza, talked, and watched Pretty Little Liars reruns.

"I know you don't think you have a chance with Jake, but I think you guys would be really adorable together." Allie said out of the blue. I turned to my right to look at her sitting on the couch next to me and gave her a confused look. I was going to say something but she put her hand up to stop me.

"And I know he's a sophomore, blah, blah, blah, but I just thought you should know. It'd be cute."

I was confused by this. Why was she just saying this all of a sudden? I didn't really know what to say, how do you respond to something like that?

I hadn't really thought about it before, Jake and I as a couple. And I had no reason to. We had only had one or two real conversations together. I dknt really know anything about him. Sometimes when I passed him in the hall he'll send me a wave or a "Hey Madi," but that's basically it. I think it's nice, and that's just what friends do...if you could even call us friends. Are we friends? I don't even know. And I don't really want to think about it right now.

"Thanks Allie," I started, "but I don't even think I like him like that. I think he's cute obviously, but I really don't even know him. I think it's just a little crush, no big deal." I told her with a wave of my hand, dismissing the subject.

She gave me a quizzical look, squinting her eyes slightly as if trying to figure out if there was something I wasn't telling her, which there wasn't. I have no reason to hide anything from her. I gave her a reassuring smile. It was the truth, though. I don't even know this guy, I'm not getting my hopes up over nothing.


The next couple weeks flew by and school was going great. My grades were good, my teachers liked me, and I was meeting tons of new people.

See, we have a pretty big grade, like 500 people. It's kinda hard not to find people to talk to, but at the same time it's hard to find a place to fit in. Allie and I started hanging out with these two really nice girls named Sammi and Kylie. They both came here not knowing anyone and met each other. Sammi is in my English class so we got to talking and next thing you know the four of us are eating lunch together outside everyday and had sleepovers on the weekend.

Also, some other things happened.

Since Jake and I have three classes together, we actually started talking a bit. He's actually a lot nicer and sweeter than I thought he would be. I thought him and his geeks a would be the jerk-type of group, but they're not at all. I have Spanish with Jake and his two friend Dave and Ryan. They're all so funny when they get together! Dave is always cracking jokes, and Ryan is always there to tell him how dumb the jokes are. They have another friend, Kyle, who is in our Chemistry class, hes really cool too. They have the funniest stories to tell, and they give me tips for the school.

For example, don't use the second water fountain outside the bathrooms, never walk behind Marty Stevens in the hallway(he's a farter), and never ever buy lunch on spaghetti day. Ever.

Anyways, they aren't so bad.


Allie and I walked into Chemistry on Monday morning laughing about the movie that Allie, Kylie, Sammi and I had watched on the weekend. We took our seats and I looked over to see Jake, Kyle, Ryan, and Dave all with their heads down on the table, sleeping. Eh, it's Monday morning. I giggled at them and the bell rang. Ms. Lipson took attendance, scolding the four boys to sit up straight and it was quite funny watching them trying to keep their eyes open.

She began talking about a project we were going to do.

A group project.

She explained that there had to be at least four or five people in each group. Allie and I both looked at each other with the same worried expression(something we tend to do a lot you get over it). We didn't really know anyone else in this class besides Jake and his friends.



what did the lawyer name his daughter?


laugh. it's funny.


post your funny jokes it the comments section at the side➡ and maybe yours will be put in the next chapter!

seriously though like i love jokes and i just want to laugh ok bye







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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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