Getting Closer

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"Death surrounds
My heartbeat's slowing down
I won't take this world's abuse
I won't give up, I refuse!

This is how it feels when you're bent and broken
This is how it feels when your dignity's stolen
When everything you love is leaving
You hold on to what you believe in

– "Not Gonna Die" by Skillet

Chapter 78: Getting Closer

Silence hung about the house the following day. I could feel tension among the adults during breakfast, but despite the lack of conversation, I felt a closeness between Draco and me. We stayed close to each other as we engaged in our daily activities. We did not need to speak to know what the other was thinking. We were on the same side.

We began to talk quietly to each other over the next few days. Any resistance Draco had had in the past about being on my side was gone. I knew he had always been attracted to what I had, but now he wanted it for himself. We both clung to the hope that our current desperation would not last. There was a better life waiting for us somewhere. If we had to fight for it, then we would fight. For now, we struggled together to get through each day.

We were sitting by the fireplace in the living room on Friday when Narcissa approached. We immediately grew silent as we watched her. She stood before us, her hands folded in front of her. It looked like she wanted to say something, but now words would come out. Finally, after a minute, she said in a quiet voice, "I will go with you."

I could feel the shock from Draco next to me. My own mouth had fallen partly open. I recovered first, so I said almost cautiously, "To America?"

Narcissa nodded. "If that is where you two are going, I will go with you. I am tired of this life as well. I wish to be free. I have only kept quiet so long for the sake of my family." Her eyes rested on Draco. "But if you have decided to flee, I will accompany you."

"What about Dad?" Draco asked, his voice firmed and controlled.

I could see regret etched on Narcissa's face, but there was something else there. Resolve. "He can make his own choice. I am doing what is best for me. I will talk to him and try to persuade him to join us. He may change his mind when he discovers my decision."

"He should stay behind," Draco muttered.

I shot him a look. "Draco! He's our father; love him."

His face hardened. "Why should I? He hasn't been very loving towards me."

"Like you were unloving towards me at the beginning?" I said with raised eyebrows. "Love him... as I have loved you. It's not easy for me either, but love is a choice." He looked away, but I saw him give me a small nod. I glanced back at Narcissa. "Is there anything you need from us?"

"Yes," she said slowly. She still looked awkward as she stood there in front of us. "What is your plan? How are we escaping? You mentioned Severus..."

"Yes, he's helping us. We don't really have much of a plan. He's going to try to get us plan tickets so we can take a flight to Texas at a moment's notice. If that doesn't happen, Draco and I are prepared to fight against the Dark Lord if a battle arises."

Narcissa nodded. "I do not know what I will do if we cannot flee. I will think on it. Thank." When no one else said another word, she left us there.

Draco stared down at his hands folded in his lap. I thought he would have been glad at his mother's decision, but something seemed to be troubling him. "If there is a battle," he finally began slowly, "will the Slytherins in my year fight?"

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