Chapter 31 - Convincing

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Chapter 31 - Convincing

For three days in a row I try to call Cassie and convince her to talk to me again, but she doesn’t pick up and doesn’t reply to my texts. On Wednesday she actually picks up just to tell me to leave her alone, that she’s still mad and she doesn’t want to talk to me. I would give her the space she needs, I know it’s hard to believe. It took me months to realise everything that was happening, I can’t expect her to just magically believe what I tell her, but Jake is growing anxious.

During this time Jake has told me everything he knows, which is not much. We both don’t really understand all what’s happening or why, but we’re trying to manage this situation.

He explains me that Louis is a carrier, that he’s the one who takes the souls to the Next Dimension when they die, where they get judged. Louis was once alive, and Emily was his sister, but he now doesn’t remember her and Jake thinks it’s because he faded away… like he’s doing. He tells me how he doesn’t remember his parents and how some memories are just gone. He knows he should have those memories but no matter how much he tries, it’s useless. He is fading away, Louis warned him about that, and he knows he doesn’t have much time. And he’s scared, scared that he may fade away forever and disappear before he gets to tell Cassidy about his feelings.

I still kind of hate him for all this, for dragging me into this situation, but I feel sorry for him. I don’t doubt the strength of his feelings, how he puts in risk his own existence for Cassidy. Of course he loves her with all his soul, and I mean it literally. And that makes me jealous because I thought I was falling for her and if Jake hadn’t told me it wasn’t really me… maybe I would’ve felt like Jake feels for Cassidy. I want to know how it feels to love someone that much.

Anyways, it’s because Jake is scared and anxious that I insist and keep calling Cassidy, telling her that it’s important, that I can explain everything to her. But it’s of no use, she doesn’t want to see me.

“Okay, that’s it. I’m going out!” I exclaim because I’ve tried to distract myself from all this by studying.

“Are you talking to me or to Jake?” Zayn asks from his bed, solving exercises from one of our classes.

I roll my eyes and he chuckles but I don’t see the funny side. Zayn already kind of got used to me talking to Jake. It was funny the first time he walked in and I was arguing with Jake. He still mocks me and I think he will do that forever. His way to deal with this is with humour.

“Ha, ha, very funny,” I mock him back and he chuckles. “I was just thinking out loud.”

So you are ignoring us both, Zayn and I, Jake speaks in my mind and I get angry again because I can’t strangle him.

Yes, since all this happened I’m in a very shitty mood.

“You two suck,” I say grabbing my jacket and then leave Zayn there. Sadly, I can’t leave Jake in the room, too.

Maybe we should look for Cass, Jake suggests and I roll my eyes.

“Just let me walk and get some air,” I mumble under my breath, not too loud so other people would hear me.

We need to tell her, Liam. She needs to understand this is real. She needs to believe, he insists and I sigh deeply as I keep walking.

“I know but she doesn’t pick up the phone. I can’t force her, you know?” I reply as quietly as I can.

But maybe I could guide you to her, like I used to do before. Take you to some place she visits, Jake suggests but I shake my head.

“This time let me have this moment for myself. I need some peace, too, you know?”

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