She wanted to get close to him, to actually know tsuki and his past. She grabbed his hand getting his attention with a small blush appearing on his face for having his first skin on skin contact with a girl who he has a crush on. She gaved him her brightest smile and pointed to the forest “want to take a walk with me?” She asked.


“Shit!shit!shit!shit!” Tsuki whispered over and over while running through the forest trying to regain his speed. The battle with the Jaeger's was more difficult than he thought, even lucifer struggled holding his own ground.

Both did not expect to have dealt with humans who have demon spirits from their world. Both talked about it after the battle and came to the same conclusion, a demon god is here. Lucifer couldn't move well after that battle and tsuki is having trouble regaining his speed after a demon spirit tampered with his link towards his spirit, since that happen his became vulnerable and much more slower than his original reminding him that spirit demons always have been a dangerous threat to good and hope.

He focused so much on getting his power back that he forgot about what chelsea did in this part of story, luckily lucifer reminded him.

He ran and ran and ran, using his heighten scent to track her. But thanks to the damper he would go into into superspeed than normal speed which was still a little faster than akame, and his heightened sense would grasp her scent then disappeared but he got a good sense of Direction to where she's at. He came into a field and saw her falling to the ground with her fingers shot off and her imperial arms/teigu dropping to the ground. He saw the man with the spear, akame old teammate raising his staff above his head readying to decapitate her. Tsuki have the same feeling come to him when he first got his power, everything slowing down, feeling his body be weightless, feeling strong and confident, but most of all the amount of electricity coursing through.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” he screamed at the top of his lungs having the link back with his spirit. Bolts of electricity and lighting burst from his body and rained down from the sky destroying the field in his path disintegrating the flowers in front of him. He stepped forward and burst forward leaving a wide long crater behind him. The puppet did not have time to react but enough to look up and see tsuki bringing his fist down against his forward onto his forehead. With a single punch sent him flying through the trees with the lighting destroying his head and soon his body from the lighting shooting from tsuki hand. The old western style girl thought she could take a surprise shot and shoot tsuki but he already noticed her and formed a lighting red whip and slashed towards her cutting her in half. She still can move and tried to shoot him but he flicked his wrist and lighting came down destroying the body.

He was breathing heavy still having his power surge through him, he immediately turned running grabbing chelsea her cut off fingers and imperial arm and started running leaving another crater.

He ran within two seconds and made it in front of the cabin there supposed to meet at. He dropped down onto his knees with chelsea in his arms breathing heavy. He felt the aftermath of going overboard, he never used that much power before, he lost control once because of anger that's why he always keep up his happy personality and would always joke around no matter the situation, which is why lucifer would hurt him from time to time.

But also because of his spirit, a lightning dragon, one of the many beasts that can be angered and wouldn't be afraid to act and hurt the one who ticked them off. Just like it's physiology it affected tsuki but he managed to suppress the rage until now………

“WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!?” he yelled at chelsea. Chelsea was taken back by his sudden outburst because she never the wouldn't yell out of anger “DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT IT WOULD BE THAT EASY TO KILL HER YOU IDIOT!?” he yelled. Chelsea felt herself tremble from his stare seeing his appearance change before her, his eyes became black with bright blue iris and slit pupils, a marking that appeared on his face and half his hair turning white while the other turned black. She was afraid right now but she still spoke “I-I-I’m sorry it's just……...I felt that you liked me more i-if I was strong” she said. She began to cry, tsuki seeing this revert back into his normal appearance feeling the dragons anger slowly fade away from him feeling only guilt for yelling.

He brought her into a hug staying silent allowing her to cry. When she stopped, she wiped her eyes with her hand that still had fingers. She looked up to tsuki who stared up ahead with a guilty look on his face. She raised her only undamaged hand up to his face gently gracing it against his cheek getting his attention and looked own, that's when chelsea moved forward.

Bringing him into a kiss.

(TIMESKIP)End of the Minister terror

“Will……..the day has came but tomorrow will be the end of the prime minister terror!” Najenda said raising up a glass of wine along with the other members of Night Raid as they let out a cheer.

“And a toast to lucifer and tsuki for bringing in reinforcements from their world” said tatsumi pointing to the two. Lucifer sat with seryu and leone on his side and tsuki sat near them with chelsea sitting on his lap “please just sit by me” he whined feeling uncomfortable and she laughed “so innocent….” She sitting laying next to him.

The day have finally came where they'll liberate the empire. Lucifer and tsuki had a different mission for themselves, they were warriors for good and hope and they plan to keep it that way. They planned to sneak out of the base and lucifer would teleport him and tsuki into the castle and borrow the emperor, lucifer said borrow but tsuki knew it was just plain kidnapping.

The party went on for a bit until one by one they started to leave and rest. Mine grabbed tatsumi hand and left in a rush leaving only bulat, lucifer, seryu, and leone alone with chelsea and tsuki. They talked about their fights over time that came to this moment, they shared alcohol which didn't affect tsuki and lucifer. Lucifer couldn't because of his healing factor and tsuki couldn't because of his increase metabolism speed, which lucifer joked about him being a speedster from DC comics, one Halloween he convinced tsuki to dress as the reverse flash because of his red lighting he gets covered in when he uses his speed.

Tsuki smiled at the old memories even before they came here but was pulled out when he felt a weight on his chest. He looked to see chelsea leaning onto him “chelsea, what's up?” He asked “I know what you and luci are doing” she said “GOD DAMN IT! I TOLD YOU TO STOP CALLING ME THAT!” tsuki was silent “chelsea…….. I'm sorry b-” she pressed her index finger on his lips “I told everyone and they wouldn't mind you guys doing it, but now since tomorrow or tonight will may be the…...last time we see each other-” tsuki brought her into a hug “shut your face, me and lucifer are strong we always come back” he said gently.

Chelsea stood up abruptly breaking the hug and grabbed his hand “I know, but tonight……...I want to make it special, will you allow me?” She asked. Tsuki had a blush appear but smile and nodded, chelsea giggled taking him off the couch and pushed him from behind out of the room with a blush and weird smile catching leone attention.

“Yeesh, never seen her smile like that” she said “I’d have” lucifer said plainly looking at a sleepy seryu and smile “really? When?” leone asked.

“When tsuki gave that cat he found in the hallway a bath” he said.

Leone remembered and nodded “yeah, strange she came back the same time that cat disappeared”

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