chapter 47

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Lizzy's POV.

"hi"  he said. he looks nervous. 

"are you nervous?" i ask. 

"n-no. i-i'm fine" he stutterd. 

"he's talking to a beautiful woman. of course, he's nervous" harry says. 

Niall blushes and i do too. "i'm harry" he says and he takes my hand. he brings it to his lips and kisses it, ever so lightly. "a gorgeous girl, such as yourself, must have a lovely name. may i ask  what it is?" 

"Elizabeth" i say. Harry smiles. "i like that name. it suits you well" he says. 

"my friends call me Lizzy though. the only person that ever called me by my full name was.." i choke on my words. "my mom" i finally breath out.

"is everything okay. with your mum?" Niall asks. 

"no" i shake my head. i think i feel a tear slip down, but i'm not sure. 

i know i've begun crying when Niall brushes at my cheek. he looks into my eyes before he pulls me into a hug. 

it is a great as they say. a Horan hug, is the best hug. no doubt. 

he gently rubs, up and down, my back. "it's all going to be alright" he says. "do you want to talk about it?" 

"obviously, something is going on. and i know you love to help people, but we just met her. you can't ask stuff like that, especially when she's crying" harry says. 

"i know. i wasn't thinking. i'm sorry" 

"it's okay" i say. we stand there for a while, with his arms wrapped around me while he's rubbing my back. it feels so good; i never want it to stop. 

"is everything alright over here?" zayn comes over. 

"yes, everything's fine" Niall says. 

"is she okay?" zayn asks. 

I push myself away from Niall. and i instantly regret it. "yeah" i take a deeo breath, "i'm fine" 

"good. i thought Harry had made another girl cry and Niall came to the rescue and saed her with a Horan hug" he laughs. 

that's exactly what happened. except, Harry did it unintentionally. 


"do you guys want to meet up with us later?" Louis asks. 

jennifer immidately agrees and emily soon nods along. me and amanda look at eachother. we shrug and jennifer squeals. she hops into Louis' arms and he spins her around. 

he sets her down and kisses her cheek. "can't wait" he says. she blushes and smiles.  

I have to drag her away from Louis. me, jennifer, amanda and emily walk back to the parking lot and go to the car. 

"how was it?" jayme asks. 

"it was amazing" jennifer squeals. 

"no, dear. it's ama-zayn" emily corrects her. 

"it was okay, i guess" amada shrugs. 

"liam didn't like you?" i ask. 

"i don't know. that's the problem" 

"i can ask him tonight; if you want"

"tonight?" jayme asks. 

"yeah. they invited us to a movie and we're going for ice cream after" jennifer chimes. 

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