*First Mission*

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Jesse was pretty excited. He would finally be able to shoot some omnics like he was brought here to do. Gabriel had said that it would be an Overwatch\Blackwatch mission. McCree didnt mind that, he liked quite a few of the other Overwatch members. Though he did think Ana was a bit too strict.
They were going to an outbreak of violent omnics in New York. He cleaned his hat and reloaded his bullet belt to get ready for the fight.

Her face showed no emotion. The scrunched up pieces of paper lay all around the room. Angela was trying to create a suit for herself in battle. All her ideas were failing, though.
Jack walked through the door.

"Hey there, Angela." He looked around at the mess all over the floor.

"Hi Jack." She continued to look at the floor her face full of exasperation.

"I see you've had a few problems?"

"Yes, the suit just isn't working."

"Have you made a prototype yet?"


"Why not?"

"I don't know. It just isn't working out on paper. All my ideas are rubbish."

"No they're not." He walked over to her and put an arm around her shoulder.

"When is the mission?"

"Two days."

Angela put her face in her hands and walked away from the muscly soldier.

"You don't need a suit right now. You can borrow some armor and then after the mission continue working on the suit."

"I guess."

"It's alright." He lightly kissed her on the forehead before leaving the laboratory.

It was the first time he had done anything like that with her. Jack really liked Angela and thought she was a person he could count on. Ever since he saw her face, something had sparked inside him. He knew they were a few years apart but that didn't matter to him.

After Jack had left the lab, Angela had a whole lot of other thoughts going through her head. What was that head kiss? A friend thing? Or something else? Her head was spinning even more than before. She really only thought that her and Jack were good friends, nothing else. Oh well, I need to concentrate over the next two days. Stop worrying over a boy.

The day had come. Time to hop on the aircraft and head to the Big Apple. The borrowed armor fitted okay, but not perfect like Angela wanted it. Her newly made energy staff was ready for use. It healed from a distance using microbiology and nanobots the  staff was in business. She made a quick check that she had everything she needed for the mission. Sleeping stuff, check. Extra clothes, check. Food and water, check. She was ready to go.

McCree brought some extra bullets and water bottle. That's all he needed, oh and some whisky.

The aircraft took off silently. The trip was only supposed to take an hour so Jesse didn't get too comfortable. He saw Angela talking to Ana, probably about the mission at hand. Reyes came over and explained the mission again, which Jesse didn't really listen to since he already knew the ins and outs.

Angela started to walk over to him. Shoot, I'm not ready. She calmly sat next to him and turned to face his smile.

She had no idea what came over her. Randomly she just went over to talk to Jesse McCree. Angela had just been told where to go and what to do, when the fight starts by Ana.

"Hey there, cowboy," She said.

"Hi darlin." Did he just call me darling? He probably speaks to all girls this way.

"You all ready for the mission?" Great conversation starter, Angela.

"Yep. You?"

"Yes. By the way, I didn't get to finish you check up last week."

"Uh huh."

"Should we quickly finish it now so I know there's nothing wrong before you go into battle?"

"Guess so."

He followed closely behind her as they moved to the back of the aircraft where the nursing area was.

He didn't really want to go get fixed up but he liked Angela so he would obey.

"So I'm going to check your ears for your temperature."

"Okay. So how's the crew, medically wise?"

"Good temperature. The team is at their best."


"So how's covert operations going?"

"Classified." He smiled up at her. 


"I don't know, but I just don't feel like telling you."

"What will make you tell me?" Angela asked in a flirtatious voice.

"A kiss sounds good to me." He replied, his American accent drawing out.

Before you knew it, her lips lightly pecked his.

"So what can you tell me, cowboy?"

"Nothing much, I just wanted a kiss." His smile was intoxicating, so Angela just gave him a light slap on the face before telling him he's already to go. Then watched him grin as he left the room.

Jesse was still grinning by the time the aircraft landed. He was very happy with himself and knew the mission was going to go well since he had gotten a kiss from Angela. Morrison piled everyone out into the midst of what would become a great battle. The peacekeeper was ready to shoot.

They had to walk a few blocks, in the vast darkness of night. The people of New York had been told to turn all lights off or put up black sheets behind their apartment windows. The city wasn't itself, known as 'the city that never sleeps' it was as dormant as a volcano that hadn't erupted in hundreds of years. 

The first omnic presented itself. Down in less than a second. 

A few more came by, but nothing that Jesse couldn't handle on his own. The group had split up, Jesse wanted to remain alone. No distractions equaled more kills. 

Angela was ready for the fight. She had everything under control. Jack told her to stick near him, since it was her first battle. The stars shone down on the city that would never have any stars out. She found it mesmerizing, that a city so loud and vibrant seem like a quiet town when disaster strikes. 

There was a vibration on her wrist. She looked down to see that Torbjorn had gotten injured a couple of streets away. 

"Jack, I've got to go. Torbjorn's been injured."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"No, its okay."


Her swift little footsteps made as less noise as possible. She sent Torbjorn a voice message telling him she'd be there in two minutes. 

When she arrived, the poor man had hid in a secret doorway in an alley. 

"I'm here. " Angela ran up beside him and turned her staff on. The healing power came out in the form of a bright yellow light. 

"That's better. Thank you, Dr. Ziegler. Back into the action I  go." The big beard swished across his face as he ran back to where he had last seen the omnics. 

Thanks for reading. Vote if its worth it. Ask any questions you have in mind, I'm happy to answer. Next chapter will continue in the mission.

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