Chapter Twenty-Nine The Festival

Start from the beginning

"Where going this year." I tell her, as the guys walk back in the room. Only Niall doesn't sit beside me this time, he sits on the other side of the room. Now I was begining to wonder about what they talked about.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked as he took Niall's old seat between me and Alex.

"We we're going to mind our business. I suggest you do the same." I snapped, harshly. Even too harsh for me. Though Harry just ignored my bitchiness and turned to Alex.

"Alex where are we going?" An almost charming smile formed on Harry's face. He threw his arm around Alex's shoulder. So this was how he was with other girls.

She smiled,"Well me and Kendall are going to the festival. I don't know where you're going." She replied, as she pointed at Harry then slid from under his arm. I knew I liked her for some reason.

Harry frowned,"What is it with the girls in this town?"

"What do you mean?" Alex and I asked in unison.

Harry stood up from the couch, and turned to face us."I only met one girl in this town that actually.." he paused trying to find the right word.

"Actually threw themselves at you." I finished for him.

"Yes exactly. Their must be something in the water that's got you guys acting crazy." Harry told us, as he shook his head.

Alex and I turned to look at each other, then back at Harry. We both stood up, she got on one side of Harry and I the other. Harry just stood with his arms crossed over his chest, with a determined look on his face.

"So." I started."There's something wrong with us-"

"Because we're not throwing ourselves at you." Alex finished my sentence, while glaring angrily at Harry. Harry looked between the both of us, finally realizing his big mistake.

"Have you ever thought that we didn't find you attractive." Harry turned to me, and opened his mouth to speak. Though he was cut off.

"Or maybe that we didn't like jerks with cocky attitudes, that thought they were all that." Alex snapped as Harry turned to her.

"Wait you don't even know me." Harry told Alex.

I turned Harry around to face me."Dude you suck at first impressions."

Zayn and Niall sat back watching, identical smirks on their faces. We weren't done with Harry yet. How dare he insult the girls in this town. None of us are crazy. Except for Liv's mother she had some serious mental issues.

"Well you two don't make good first impressions either." Harry yelled. Sometime during our little talk we had started to yell. Very loudly.

"We definitely need some popcorn." Zayn told Niall as they watched.

"Everyone calm the hell down!" Our heads snapped to the entrance of the living room. Liam stood there his hands crossed over his chest, and an angry scowl on his face.

"Liam they started it first." Harry lied, as he pointed at the both of us.

We both scoffed,"He's lying." We cried out.

"I don't care who did what. You guys need to separate." He pointed at Harry,"Go to the room and cool off."

Harry groaned before walking away, he stomped up the stairs making sure to stomp on each stair as he went. Liam turned to us with his brows raised."You too." He snapped angrily at me.

"This is my house." I replied back calmly, crossing my arms over my chest as I did this. There was no way I was walking up those stairs.

He sighed,"Either you walk up there yourself, or I throw you over my shoulder and take you up there."

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