The Actual Reveal

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Roc- Shhhhh, I hear someone coming.

(??? walks in)

Everybody- (gasp)



When she walked in I swear I wanted o beat that bitch's ass. I can't believe she is the one behind this. I thought she was our friend, but apparently not.

Me- MAKAYLA??!!!

Makayla- Yeah it's me.

Ray- Why are you doing this?

Makayla- I was only trying to help your little friend out.

Roc- Who

Shiyah- Who is the only one not here?

Roc- Ooooooooh

Prince- Sloooooow

(Kynice walks in)

Prodigy- How could you?

Kynice- Well I wanted to at first,but I changed my mine. Makayla wouldn't let me cancel.

Kyler- I thought you were our friend.

Kynice- I am. Thats why I tried to cancel.

Me- Well you shouldn't have thought about doing it anyway.

Kynice. All I gotta sat is I'm sorry. I hope y'all can forgive me and we can go back to normal.
(And with that she left)

Makayla- Ok so now-(GCO)

Kyler- Hold up wait a minute let me put some Kyler in it. So Ray, how are you suprised it was her when u cheated on Autumn with her?

Ray- What are you talking about? The girl I slept is named Jasmine.

Roc- But the facetime request was from makayla

Prince- Y'all some slow ass people

Roc,Ray,andKyler- What?

Prodigy- That girl was probably working for her. So Makayla just facetimed Kyler so Kyler will tell Autumn and Autumn will break up with Ray.

Shiyah and Me- Are y'all that slow?

Kyler- Whatever. Keep going Makayla.

Makayla- So as I was saying. I need you to decide who dies.

Me- What the fuck are you talking about?

Makayla- Either Autumn dies and I let y'all go and leave y'all alone forever or Kyler dies and I will let y'all go exept for Ray, he will be my boyfriend.

Everybody- (looks around)

Makayla- You guys have until morning.

Roc- What time is it?

Makayla- 10:45 a.m.

Everybody- ok

(Makayla leaves room)


Y'all thought Kynice was going to walk through that door. Sike. Wasn't the wait worth it? Let me know how you feel about this. I think I did good. Please comment and vote.

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