friends and foes

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I really didn't expect to get that many comments and reads from people so I was really glad when I did. Anyway I'm doing this upload for all thoes fans who liked my story and what not.


Oh and this story is dedicated to

Everyone that commented on my story but especially @lydiad55 becuz not only did she be the first to comment but also because she helped me promote this. Thanks honey.

Onto the story!


Song: dead skin by crossfade.

Chapter 2

Friends and foes

"Wake up, you'll catch a cold" I heard a voice say, but I was too quickly shoved back into the darkness, stringing itself around me as I tried to fight it.

"C'mon wake up, I can't just leave you here" the deep voice moaned, this time I felt their hand touch my shoulder and I immediately jolted out of my sleep state.

"What?" was the first thing I said when he slowly pushed me back down.

"your hurt, stay still and just relax a minute, the dizziness and fatigue should wear off in a sec but just stay still" I looked at him curiously, his blue eyes so bright that it dazzled me, they looked so familiar.

I pushed him off of me since he was half leaning over my body, he fall on his butt making a grunting noise.

"You know it would have been nicer to say 'hey can you get off me please because it's kind of uncomfortable'" he mimicked in a high pitched voice, hands on hips as he tried to imitate me.

"For your information I don't sound like that, neither does any other girl on the planet and my second point if you knew it was uncomfortable for me why didn't you use your head and get off me anyway?" I cocked a brow at him as I sat up, looking around to see the sun shining brightly and the canopies shedding light onto the ground I now sat on.

"Your quiet smart, most people would have just a huffed" he stated, standing up and swinging back on forth on his feet, looking at me closely.

"oh whatever, your just saying that because you know I found a loophole in your own words" I sent a smirk towards him, getting up and brushing the invisible dust off my black jeggings and black vest top, which I know realised was unsuitable for the cold weather in this time of morning.

Wait, morning?


"I have to go" I rushed to him quickly, seeing him eye me curiously.

"Why?" he asked as I began to turn around and make my way back, wherever I was.

"because I've been out all night and my maids going to kill me" he caught up with me, a confused look scrunched on his face which made him look cute, I shook my head mentally. no Lolita, focus on the matter at hand.

"Why would your maid be angry?" I was starting to get peeved at his questions.

"It's none of your business, ok? Just leave me alone, I can make my way home" and with that I went into a sprint, leading myself to the dirt road that lead to my street before I knew it. I looked back quickly to see if the boy I met had followed me but surprisingly my luck was on a roll today because I found no trace of anything in the woods.

When I actually got inside my house firstly by getting past my black gates which you need a card for, then for the front door which you also need a card for, I managed to sneak my way upstairs and into the shower, a nice long hot shower at that. When I got out I quickly threw on a massive black jumper that had 'escape the fate' in huge white letters, then I matched it with my black and faded grey at the bottom jeggings finishing it off with my black fur lined converses.

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