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We finally finished the last do not laugh. I walked to the kitchen and got some water. "Hey red let's go "Barney said. "Um. Darrick is picking me up"I said. "Dude it's 10"he said. I got my phone out.

Me-Barney is taking me home. It's ten
Darrick-You don't tell me. I'm on my way. Just wait

"He's on his way"I said. Barney nodded. "Well. I'm not gonna be home k. I'm going out with someone and staying at her house. K"Barney said. I nodded.

Crap. I walked outside and wait.

Time skip
It's 11:30. Where is he. I see Max coming out of the building. "Your still here"he asked. I nodded. "Come on. Let's go"Max said. I nodded. When he dropped me off. I was scared to go inside.

But he left. I unlocked the door and saw Darrick. "How did you get in here"I asked. "You gave me a key. And why are you here. I said I was coming. Who dropped you off"he yelled. "Max"I said. He looked mad.

"I didn't say you could. Did i"he asked. I shook my head. "Then why"he asked again. I shrugged my shoulders. "Talk"he yelled. "No"I yelled.

He punched me. I fell to the ground crying. "Get up"he yelled. I got up. "You better listen next time. Ok. I'm sorry "he hugged me. I didn't hug back.

Redzan:LostWhere stories live. Discover now