Shared Feelings

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Chapter 17

Artemis POV

I was kinda mad and sad that Zoe and Bianca were going to not be in the hunter's any more because they were dating someone. I was really happy though because even though Percy was dead I had some of the dead hunters back and one was my best friend. I had to trust Zoe when she said that the new guardian was one of her friend and when she said that he was dumb some of the time I thought of Percy, these days I could not stop thinking about him and it brought tears to my eyes. I was going to talk to Zoe and Bianca about it.

After the meeting Zoe and Bianca pulled me aside before I had the chance to pull them aside. Zoe said, "Milady what is wrong, I can see it in your eyes you are sad about something."

I sadly said, "Zoe the only man I love died and now I can not get over him."

Zoe and Bianca looked shocked but Zoe said, "Milady who is he did the hunters like him?"

I looked up and said, "Yes, the hunters respected him, the only man he respected. His name is Percy Jackson."

I could see that they were both surprised but recovered quickly and Bianca said, "Milady, I agree that Percy is the only respectable man, but didn't you also like Orion."

I looked at her and said, "There are many stories of what happened to Orion the real one is that he ran away from a castle after he raped a girl when we found him I only like him for his skill. Once I figured out I had already shot him and I was still really mad at him."

Bianca and Zoe looked at me in and they both softly said, "Oh."

I had forgotten that I never told the hunters the real story because I just wanted to forget that it ever happened. I only told how he was a bad man and Apollo ended up tricking him in the end.

I looked at Zoe and Bianca and said,"Girls what am I going to do I can not stop thinking about him, everything I do I can not stop thinking about him."

Zoe and Bianca looked at each other and said, "Maybe one day he will come back, like we did and you will be reunited with Percy again. You never know and if one day you do end up with m him now that we approve of the relationship. Percy is the only respectable male in the hunter's eyes so do not worry about it."

I sighed and looked and them and said, "Thank you ladies you have helped a lot with my problem and please do not tell anyone."

Zoe and Bianca nodded and I was so happy I could have them back. I could tell that they were surprised that Artemis man hater had boy problems. I was surprised at myself for even letting myself fall in love with a boy in the first place. I missed him so bad and I can not believe he was abused though. I was surprised because he was so happy and he crazy. I was sad that he did not tell me but then again I was trying to separate myself from him to.


I was so surprised that milady Artemis fell in love with Hurricane or Percy. I mean he is the most respectable male there is nut still Artemis is the man hating goddess. Most people would think that a man hating goddess would not fall in love anyone. I knew that the hunters were missing Percy too you could see in there eyes like you could in Artemis that they were sad. Artemis eyes were the worst but then it was Thalia's eyes. Bianca and me were talking about it. I said, "I can not believe that Lady Artemis likes Percy, it is obvious that Percy likes her and now that she likes him it is like a perfect match."

Bianca said, "I know right Lady Artemis is a man hating goddess I thought that she would not fall in love."

After that we walked off because we wanted to find a boyfriend to see them and talking to them. I meet with Luke he was training with Percy and Castor. I meet Bianca there and we started to train. A lot of hunters, campers, and all the Chaos warriors where training . We went to train with the hunters. We were all training because it was close to war time and we wanted to do out best. I assumed that the gods were training to. At Least hopefully they were training.

Percy POV

So I did not mean to eavesdrop I heard their whole conversation. (Well at least I told myself I was not trying to eavesdrop.) Any way I could not believe Artemis was in love with me too. I was so sad that I could not tell him my identity. I love her and I just wanted to tell her.

I walked away and started to train after the conversation ended because they were to caught up in the conversation to realize I was here. I started to train with Luke after I told the gods that they need to train in Olympus to. Luke and I were about at the same level but not quite. I was a little more advance than her. I saw that Zoe and Bianca were here and they started to train with the hunters. Artemis came about 10 minutes later but I could tell because she was sad because one was here eyes and two there was red around her eyes which meant that she had been crying.  I was sad and kinda mad that she was crying over me. I did not want any one crying over me. I could tell that everyone was sad that I died, the worst were Apollo, Artemis, Poseidon, Thalia, Chiron, and Nico. You could tell by there eyes.

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