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   * Louis ' POV *

When I got back to my apartment, It was about 9pm, I texted Angela and asked her what time I needed to meet her at the park tomorrow.

' To: Angela
   Hey, what time do I need to meet you at the park? -Louis'

She texted back after a few minutes

' From: Angela
   Around 5 should be good -Angela. ××'

' To: Angela
   Alright, see you there - Louis'

I noticed her habit of putting '.××' at the end of text's and I found it adorable. I shut off my phone and put it on charge, I didn't have anything else to do tomorrow, I wonder what she had in mind for me.                              


*Angela's POV *

   I texted Louis and went to bed, even if we didn't have any homework tomorrow I could still see him and get to know a little more about him.

   The next morning I got up, got dressed and went to school. Katie was absent so I didn't have to explain to her why there were little notes next to each of the problems on my homework. We didn't have any maths homework but I did have science homework,  I guess it would do.  The rest of day went by painfully slow, the hallway had the usual shit going on, girls acting like they haven't seen their friends in forever, couple's sucking each others faces off in the hallway, and guy's giving each other 'Bro hugs'. We had to do a project in geography about Africa and I was paired up with a guy names Blake. He had black hair that came a bit on his forehead and was swooped to the right, he had a nose piercing,snake bites, and gages. Basically, he was damn hot. I've seen him around, he hangs out with the goths at school. There's only one group for goths, and a few for every other category. There wasn't a punk rocks group and I was furious about that, if there is a group for every style why not punk? Anyways, Blake's pretty quiet in class and no one really picks on him, maybe because their scared of him.


'So, how do you want to start the project?'

'I don't care, however you want I guess' His voice was low and a bit raspy.

'Uhm, alright...' I smiled at him and looked down at the instructions.

I read the instructions out loud, 'You and your partner will be studying the characteristics of Africa on page 56 in your textbooks. You will draw the continent and name the cities that occupy it.'

I opened my book up to the page number and so did Blake.

'We should start by writing down the cities' I said while looking at him. He nodded his head and started writing down names of the cities.


Me and Blake got a decent amount of work done in geography before the bell rang so I didn't have to worry about working on it at home. I had to meet Louis at the park in a few hours so I took a shower, curled my hair and put on a 'Asking Alexandria' hoodie with a pair of black skinnies. I never found many people who shared the same music interests as me, they were either into pop, rap, or country music. I was always considered 'Wierd' in middle school because I had dyed the bottom of my hair dark velvet and had a nose piercing,  but I didn't mind, it was me and I'm sticking to it. I was thinking about having Katie get a piercing, it would look nice on her. She was also into pop but I could get her to listen to the band's I do, they were pretty awesome so I didn't see why she wouldn't like them.

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