Chapter 6

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* chapter 6 *

Aleah's POV

I woke up in an apartment I've never been to before. It had blue walls, and a wide chair across from the couch I was laying on. I couldn't see much more without moving my body. It hurt so badly, but I don't remember anything that happened. I must have made a sound because a cute boy with curls came into the room and sat in front of me.

"How're ya feelin, Aleah?" He looked like he had been crying.

"I'm okay, my body just hurts quite a lot.. Thank you, Uh.." I hesitated, not remembering the boys name.

"The doctor said there might be a bit of memory loss. Harry. I'm Harry, we met at the gas station last night?" He had so much hope in his eyes for me to remember him, but he also looked drained. Emotionally and physically. I wonder why he seemed to care so much about me.

"Oh, of course. I'm sorry! May I ask where we are, though?" I questioned. I'm not sure I remember a Harry.

"No no, please don't apologize. I should be the one apologizing. This is my shitty apartment. I'm sorry to bring you here, I just didn't have anywhere else really. Beings I don't know much about you, or where to take you. So this was my only choice, I guess." He pushed out a small smile, revealing his dimples.

He was cute.

Really cute.

"Was it Charlie? Did he do this to me?" I hoped the answer would be no. But who else would have?

"Who's Charlie?" Harry asked. Oh no. Harry doesn't know about Charlie. Well, there's no going back now.

"Erm.. Nevermind. What did the man look like?" I tried to avoid explaining Charlie to Harry. It'd hurt too much.

"Well I didn't see his face really. He just looked so angry. I'm not sure if you remember, but he was the cause of all of this. The doctor said you have a minor concussion. You're way lucky it isn't worse. Your head hit the ground. Hard." His voice got shakier the more he explained what happened and I could tell he was on the verge of tears.

The memories started flowing back.

"Harry, why are you crying?" I felt awful. It was my fault for running away, wasn't it? "I shouldn't have ran away. I had no reason to. I got myself into this," I continued. "Please, don't cry. I'm alright, see?" I forced out a smile. He shouldn't be hurting because of another stupid mistake I made.


Harry's POV

She kept apologizing, though nothing was her fault. Even all bashed up, she was as lovely as ever.

She had mentioned Charlie.. I wanted to know who he was. When I asked who it was, she seemed pretty upset to talk about it. I hope she lets me in.

It's been a day, and I think I'm already falling for Aleah. But there is absolutely no way she would fall for a person like me. There is absolutely nothing like able about me, from my point of view at least.


A couple weeks passed, and I had spent my days with Aleah, helping her recover. Everything was back to normal now and we're starting to get closer. She doesn't know anything about me yet, but all I know about her is her scars. But I can't seem to find the right time to ask about it.

We were out at the park eating froyo when I was lost in deep thought.

"Hellooooo? Anybody in there?" Aleah snapped in front of my face, giggling. It was like an angels laugh. It was so adorable.

"Hah sorry love. Just thinking," I felt myself blushing a bit.

"About what?" She had a curious look in her eyes, begging for me to tell her. What am I supposed to say?

"Uh, Leah, would it be alright if we went back to my place and talked?" I said nervously.

"Ehm, yeah, that's fine," she was quite confused, but went along anyways.

I had no idea how to start this conversation. I didn't want to sound nosy, but we've been together for a while now, and I wanted to know her better.

Well, here goes nothing.



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~ jenna 💕

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