Chapter 2

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Taehyungs P.o.v

He chuckled at the memory. Taehyung then remembered what this special lotion turned out to be, it was just a 'lotion' that people used for their sexual activities with each other.

"*sigh* I miss my mom and dad." -Taehyung

"Hey. Taehyung!" -??

Ugh. Out of all the annoying people why did he have to show up.
*Rolls his eyes

"Tae2. Why are you always so rude to me." -?? whines

"I told you never to call me that! And I'm rude to you because you're an annoying pumpkin-lookin midget." -Taehyung

"Hey! I might be short but I'm still your hyung!" -??

"Whatever, Jimin." -Taehyung

"So....Taehyung...there's this party on Saturday... and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" -Jimin

"Jimin, you know I don't like to be socializing with people, so why even bother asking." -Taehyung

"I know but Taehyung, you can't keep yourself locked up in your room trying to find something or trying to create something that is impossible to create. C'mon Taehyung you have to loosen up sometimes and you know..have fun." -Jimin

"Well no thanx, Jimin and my answer will always be 'no', nobody can convince me to go to a stupid lame party, where there's only alchohol, drugs, hormonal- raging people, sweat and many desturbing things that don't catch my attention." -Taehyung

"Never say never~ i know that one day when you fall in love that person would want to go everywhere and you would follow them because you'd be mad deeply in love..." -Jimin said while smirking

"That will never be, because I'm too put up in my work. Plus why would I like someone that doesn't have the same interests as me." -Taehyung

"Taehyung, when someone is in love they don't just stop loving them because they both don't have the same interest. When two people are in love with each other they would do anything to be together, even if it means they have to sacrifice doing something that they don't like, to be with them." -Jimin

" do you know all of these things about love?" -Taehyung

Jimin blushed at the thought.

"Well, I might or might not be in a relationship with someone..."-Jimin

"Oh.... I think I know who you're talking about, its that blonde who takes naps while working but still manages to do his work, and also cusses a lot if you piss him off?" -Taehyung

"How did you know?!" -Jimin

"Well, don't think just because I'm put up with my work I don't hear you talking about him and complaining about when he's going to ask you out." -Taehyung

"Oh.. I thought you never pay attention, so that's why I always tell you all of that." -Jimin

After a few minutes of Jimin and Taehyung being in awkward silence....

"So, you sure you don't want to come to the party with me and my friends" -Jimin

"NO!" -Taehyung

"Oh,OK.." -Jimin

Before Jimin was about to leave, Taehyung stopped him

"What does it feel like?" -Taehyung

"What do you mean Taehyung?" -Jimin

"When you fall in love? How do you know if that is the person you want to be with for the rest of your life? How do you prevent yourself from getting hurt?" -Taehyung

Jimin gave a sad smile towards Taehyung understanding that the younger didn't know what that feeling felt like due to trying to protect himself from getting hurt and regretting any decision he took in the "past".

"Well, Taehyung when you fall in love there's no stopping it, you feel butterflies in your stomach, you think everything about them is perfect,you don't see a single flaw in them and if you do see their flaws, to you even their flaws are perfect.-How to prevent yourself from getting hurt? Well I can't help in that because your heart just falls in love and won't stop beating incrediably fast. And how to know if thats the person you want to be with for the rest of your life? You just know, you don't want nobody else to have that person, you feel like you can't live without that person if they're not by your side." -Jimin

(A/N) well...this is the longest paragraph I've ever this whole book so far..

"Thanx...Jimin that's why you're my favorite cousin, even tho I barely say it, and always think you're really annoying but you understand me and you're always there when I need you." -Taehyung said with a smile

"Well, I am only like 2 months  older than you,but yeah when you ever have a problem you can always count on me." -Jimin smiled back at Taehyung

Jimin went to hug Taehyung but was immediately stopped by him.

"Don't kill the moment Jimin." -Taehyung

"Please, just one hug, for your favorite cousin." -Jimin

"Ugh, I knew I was going to regret saying that again." -Taehyung

Without realizing it, Jimin already had clinged to Taehyung and had taken a picture of them both, with Taehyung actually smiling.

"Yah! Come back here Jimin! Delete that right now!" -Taehyung

"No...I need a picture of you for something that I'm going to do." -Jimin said while smirking evilly

"What the- what in the world would he need a picture of me? And what would he do with it? Ugh...what am I going to do with him." -taehyung

Taehyung then went back to his work, too put up in his work to go chasing after his cousin.



This is my second chapter. Yay! What do you guys think? Plz comment and vote. Thx

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