I sigh out and lean back in my chair, my eyes bobbing shut from the teachers monotone voice. I let my eyelids drop and dark consume me.

"Lords been hard on you?" A deep voice asked and I smiled and opened my eyes, looking at him with a goofy grin.

"How'd I know it was you," I say sarcastically, I yawn while stretching my arms above my head. I could feel his hard stare on me and tried not to shrink away. He was scary, I've always heard these terrible stories about him.

He smirked at me, "You snore loudly," He remarks and my eyes grow wide and my head snapped up, my eyes scanning acorss the now empty classroom. I cant believe the teacher didn't wake me up.

"Youre terrible," I say and look up at him, a small smile fighting its way onto my face.

He smirks wider down at me and backs away so I could stand up, I reach down for my bag and books, "So why was goody two shoes sleeping in class?" He asked.

I turn around with my books in hand, "Stress, don't get much sleep now a days." I state and he nodded, a look of understanding crossing his face while pain flickered in his eyes.

"I understand," He says gruffly and snapped his gaze to the classroom door where Chase stood staring at me.

I clear my throat and rip my gaze away from Ben and smile at Chase, "I'll talk to you later," I say under my breath and pass by him.

Our fingers brushed from the close proximity and my heart surged in my chest. I stay quiet and walk towards Chase who smirked behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, guiding me out of the classroom.

"Why do you have to talk to him Ana? He's a murderer." Chase snapped and I rolled my eyes and scoffed under my breath, pulling away from him.

I hold my bag closer to me, "I don't want to talk about it, not right now and not with you," I say quietly before smiling at him and walking to my class by myself.


"Iliana!" I hear Silas scream and I groan under my breath before rolling out of my bed, I trudge downstairs, my hair now in a messy bun that wasn't even that cute kind of messy. I looked like I've been living under a rock.

I sigh out and stare at him, he was currently pinning Asher to the ground, "You need to run down to the store, mom needs cold meds," He says and I narrow my eyes at him while crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why cant you?" I snap and this time both of my brothers looked at me while smirking, I almost screamed when they smirked evilly.

Silas craned his neck to look directly at me, "I have a game later at the arena and Asher is going to visit Veronica," He says and my face nearly fell when he brought her up.

Veronica Dean was a person I loved dearly, she was my brothers first ever crush. And they've been dating since the seventh grade, a whole six years and they were only eighteen. She was this quirky girl and I guess her and Asher were made for each other.

I nod my head silently and without saying another word I charge towards the front door and wrap myself up in a jacket before grabbing my mothers wallet and shove it into my bag. I let out a small cry before opening the front door and slamming it behind me.

The cold air nipped at my bare face and I shivered, don't get me wrong, I loved the cold weather; just not all of the time.

My heart skipped in my chest when I seen red and blue lights shining up ahead and I felt my heart drop in my chest, an ambulance came roaring down the road and my eyes widened as I approached the chaotic scene.

"Officer!" A deep voice snapped and a guy who looked in his twenties came running, his dark brown locks falling into his vibrant blue eyes.

There was so much commotion, and screaming.

I felt a tug on my jacket and looked down to see a little girl standing there, her face tear stained and her messy brown curls a mess. I pick her up tightly in my arms and look at her, "I'm Iliana," I whisper and she buried her face into my neck, she was shaking violently in my arms.

"I'm Charlotte," She says against my hair and I smile lightly at the young girl who was curled up in my arms.

"Fucking pig!" Another deep voice roared and everyone went silent while staring at another guy with brown hair and the same vibrant eyes as the older man.

An officer walked up to him, his eyes darted to the older looking guy; they must have been brothers, "I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut William," The officer snapped at the younger one, keeping his gaze on the older one, "Alexander, your brother is fine. Just needs a few stitches." The officer said and once those words left his mouth my eyes widened.

The guys were Alexander and William Fisher, Benjamin's older brothers. But wouldn't that mean the officer was talking about Ben?

I push through people and make it to the front of the crowd, "Are you fucking stupid?! Only a few stitches? I cant deal with this," Willaim snapped before locking eyes with me.

He walked over towards me and gave the faintest smile, "Thanks for watching my little sister, it was nice to meet you complete stranger," I frown, I wonder if he noticed how odd that sentence sounded?

I smile, "Its Iliana," I state and he turned around, a small smile growing on his lips.

"God watches all," He states, "Benjamin has brought you up a few times." He says before disappearing in the crowd of people.

The rest of the night I felt numb with worry, I got my mother her medicine and instantly went to bed, although I didn't sleep at all that night. My mind gone haywire.

"So many people become songs and poetry

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"So many people become songs and poetry. But will never know: Our world is full of ghosts of unspoken words and memories."

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