"How about the man walking down 52nd street on October 3rd?"


"And the couple who were killed in a hit and run, that wasn't you?"


With a sigh, the officer rests his hands upon the table, removing his shades to reveal a pair of brilliant green eyes. Well that was certainly unexpected. "Are you sure you're telling the truth?" He presses.

"I'm not a liar," Lachlan replies. "You can ask the bar hop yourself, I was nowhere near the bar that day. I'm sure someone else saw some of it too. Not to mention I'm certain there's some sort of video surveillance outside that caught the guy outside."

He lets that sink in for a moment before looking straight at Lachlan. "Both of those men claim it was all you. It isn't looking very good for you right now, Lachlan. All murders were used with the same gun, the witnesses said they saw a tall blonde haired man, and any surveillance tapes have been deleted."

Lachlan pinched the bridge of his nose, staring the officer back in the face, "I don't know what I have to do to convince you, but I swear it wasn't me. You have to believe me."

"Have you heard anything about what the judge wants to sentence you to?" The lady in the pantsuit asks quietly. He shakes his head. "Either life in prison or death row. Take your pick."

"You're fucking kidding me. Even if I did kill those fucking people, that's pretty fucking harsh, not to mention there is no evidence proving that I did it besides a few people saying they saw a blonde-haired man. Do you have any idea how many blonde guys there are in Chicago alone," Lachlan growls, his voice threatening to get close to a yell. Preston senses this and grabs his hand tightly and squeezing it. Lachlan looks down at him, meeting Preston's eyes. He breathes in, out, and in again, calming himself down as best he can.

"Listen, I get it, I'm the easiest person to charge with these murders since I have a criminal record. But I swear it wasn't me. I know who did this... But If I tell you they could - they will hurt my family," Lachlan said in a hushed tone.

Preston's brows furrowed, this just got deep.

"And if we promised to protect your family?"

"It wouldn't be enough," He said.

A knock on the door made Preston jump, maybe it was because of the lack of sleep or how invested he was in the conversation that was unfolding in front of him. The door opened to reveal another police officer, he looked at the other officer in the room, "Lachlan has some more visitors."

"We're in the middle of questioning, they can wait," the lady in the pantsuit instructed.

The door shut and they all resumed talking like Preston's brother totally wasn't waiting to kick his ass in the next room. Preston said a silent prayer and put his attention towards Lachlan. In the dim room, Preston could see Lachlan's hands shaking where they where placed on his lap. He found Lachlan's fingers and entwined them together with his own.

"Who killed those people, Lachlan?" The officer pressed.

"My boss."

"And who is your boss?"

"I can't tell you."

"It's illegal to keep information from the police," the lady in the pantsuit said. "I know, but I'd rather have my family live and go to prison for something I didn't do than walk free and have my entire family murdered for telling you."

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