There is Always a light

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Hey guys thanks anyone still going with this, I'm thinking maybe a few more chapters to go before I conclude this. I hope this isn't a disappointment, I'm working silly hours so this probably isn't my best. Xx

Grace had been up half the night thinking about everything, she'd made a decision and she knew it was right. Somehow all the things she knew already in her heart made so much more sense. Olivia had a way of making everything that seemed so difficult, simple. It was like she felt her away around a dark room bumping into things and Olivia just turned on the light reminding her she could have done that long before now.

"Stop fretting, we will make this work" she smiled into Graces neck pulling her closer feeling her relax into her.
Olivia had got up at 6 with Emma knowing Grace would be tired, she turned the tv on. She had been suprised how comfortable she had felt here, she did wonder how Grace had let this all get so bad.
"Morning" she smiled as Connie came down in her robe.
"Hey your in early duty are you?" She smiled.
"Grace didn't sleep to well" she confessed.
"Wells she's lucky she's got you to help her" she smiled, "tea?"
"Thank you for everything you've done, doing for Grace. I know she wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you. Whatever happens I feel better knowing she's got someone like you looking out for her" connie sighed.
"I only wish we could get back to how we used to be, I just want her to be happy for us all to be happy. It just all seems so complicated".
"It will work out, you'll see" Olivia said cheerfully, reassuring her with a smile handing her Emma. "I best get dressed things to do today" she smiled.

"Mum Olivia is going back tomorrow" Grace spoke softly as she sat down. Connie couldn't help recognize the pain in her eyes. "Your not going?" She asked scared of the answer.
The pause felt like a life time before she was sure this was the right choice, grace replied "no".
Her mothers gaze bore into her with such intensity she felt the hot tears prick her eyes as she tried to fight them. "As much as I want to be with Liv, Emma needs me, and well...." her eyes sifted to the fooor "I need you mum" she said quietly.
She felt her body hit the back of the chair as her mum sprung at her, holding her tightly as if she would loose her if she loosened her grip.
"Oh Grace" she sobbed the tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Mums there's a condition... um no that sounds wrong." Grace amended "I mean there is something you could do for me and Olivia"
"Yes" she said eagerly watching her daughter.
"Would you look and see if you could get Liv a job at the hospital, she's coming back. She's going to finish her placement and I thought we'd look at getting somewhere to live close by. I know you want me and Emma here, and ..." she didn't want to explain it all her mum knew.
"I think if this is going to work for all of us I need to grow up be a proper mum, have some responsibility" she finished.
"I could do that, sure consider it done. But Grace tell me Is you wanting to not live here because of Jacob?" She asked sadly.

"Mum. It's true I was hurt I was angry but I know me and Jacob would never have worked. I watched you yesterday together, I've never seen you so relaxed so happy. I never gave it much thought before, I just saw the negatives. I never appreciated the way your face lights up at the smallest thing he does and how he dotes on you. Olivia has made me realize you can't always choose who you fall for and people get hurt sometimes, but people who love us understand and can let it pass.
I'm sorry I've made this all so hard, I was scared. Scared you'd love me less, need me less I don't know I was a mess. And Emma I wasn't ready which I know is such a rubbish excuse I should never have left her. But I want to make it up to her be the best mum and I want to make sure she knows you. I will never take her away from you, watching you together I understand how much you love each other. She isn't a toy to be used against one another.
"But I do think we need our own space boundaries, I was thinking I would stay here for the next month if that's ok? and then move in somewhere after that before liv gets back from America. You can help me, show me what to do we can do it together, spend some time together. Mend some bridges" she suggested smiling.
Connie smiled back pulling her in closer, "it sounds like you have a plan and I'll help in anyway I can, and so will Jacob" she smiled. "I'd do anything for you to stay and for us all to get along, be a family" she said optimistically.

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