56 | One-Handed Alcoholic

Start from the beginning

"You... You're Indiana Jones!" the boy realized in awe. He suddenly grew rather offended and angry. "W-Why are you with these imbeciles? I thought you were on Pan's side!"

Indiana narrowed her ocean-colored eyes at the boy. "Yeah, well, right now, my boyfriend's being a complete idiot," Indiana discretely explained. She noticed the fresh cut on his cheek, but didn't proceed to ask him what happened. For all she knew, it had to do something with the Lost Boys screwing around. "But just because Peter isn't my favorite person in the world right now doesn't mean you're our enemy."

The Lost Boy stood up slowly as Regina summoned a chocolate bar to appear in her hand. "What is that?" the boy questioned.

"Chocolate," Regina sweetly informed him. "I thought you might like the taste of something sweet."

"We don't want to hurt you," Indiana calmly told him while inching forward. "We just need you to deliver a message to Henry."

"Why should I help you?" the Lost Boy wondered.

"Because you had a home and a family and you stopped believing you could get back to them," Emma instantly answered. "Now, we're here. We can help—not just Henry, but all of you. We can get you home."

Then, Regina offered the boy the candy bar. He hesitantly took it from here before inhaling its sweet scent deeply. Regina smiled while he chuckled before turning and chucking it behind him. "Don't you get it? I'm here because I don't want to go home," the Lost Boy stated seriously. "None of us do."

"Pan's a monster," Emma reminded him. "Look what he did to you." She used her blade to point out the cut that sliced across his cheek.

"Oh, Pan didn't do that," the boy stated with a dark chuckle. "Henry did."

After some time of interrogating the Lost Boy, the group of girls knew that they weren't getting anywhere. The Lost Boy wasn't telling them anything useful and he was far from willing to help them. "It's too late!" the unnamed Lost Boy shouted at Emma Swan as she pinned him up against a tree. "Henry is a Lost Boy now! Your boy is one of the most vicious recruits we have had in ages!"

Indiana ran forward as Emma used her hand and wrapped it around the Lost Boy's neck. She pulled her off of him, practically throwing her far away from the boy. "Don't you dare put your hands on him ever again!" Indiana angrily scolded. "Whether you like it or not, the Lost Boys were the only family I've ever really had, so I'd really appreciate it if you didn't try to kill them every 10 seconds."

"Move aside," Regina stated in demand.

Indiana stared at her unsurely. "Why?"

"So I can rip his heart out!" Regina exclaimed. "Then he'll do exactly what we want!"

"Maybe you like having that scar on your face," Indiana began. "Maybe you'd like another! We can find another way to get to Henry!"

"Really?" Regina sarcastically questioned. She turned to the blonde. "And what do you think, Emma?"

Emma fell silent. "I think... we need to talk to Henry," Emma admitted. Then, she suddenly ran forward and grabbed Indiana, holding her back. Snow White was frozen in her place, unsure of what to do as Indiana fought against Emma's hold. "Do it, Regina!"

"Let me go!" Indiana shouted, squirming around rapidly. "Emma Swan, I swear to the bloody devil, if you don't let me go, I will skin your goddamn body with a rusty saw!"

Indiana suddenly stopped fidgeting and flinched as she heard the Lost Boy shout in pain due to the fact that Regina had torn his heart out.


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