Chapter 3

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I walked downstairs with my phone and ipod in hand. I went to stuff it in my ususal pleather bag but it wasn't where I had left it.

"Honey come into the kitchen!"

I rolled my eyes and walked in to find my favortie blueberry pancakes sitting in a stack on the bar and a big box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with a big black bow.

"Ooh what's this?"

"Open it and find out sweetie," my mom says.

I slide the ribbon off and then slip off the wrapping paper. When I lift the lid I find a new black leather cross body bag. I hold it up and see it has stud on the sides.

"I know you love your old one but this is from topshop. I saw you looking at it in New York over break. I had to order it for you."

"Thank you mom," I say hugging her.

"Here put your stuff in and I'll cut up the pancakes."

I stand at the table and slip my stuff in my new purse. I was so happy. It was cute.

I walk over to the bar and sit next to Jax, "I thought you said no one was up besides Nacxson."

"I lied. I was your diversion as they wrapped the box."

I watch Max slap him upside the head.

I giggle as he rubs it, "Ow. I may have deserved that but ow."

"So may I ask what my present from Max is?"

Max smiles, "Well lets just say you'll need a ride to school."

I choke on my bite of pancakes before saying, "What?!"

"Don't worry. Nacxson's car is back. He said he'll pick up Gaby and Katee. Jax offered to drive you."

"Oh. So then why do I not have a car?"

"I'm getting it detailed. Leopard print on the front hood right? Oh and a new matching steering wheel cover."

"Oh my god thank you!" I get up and hug him.

"No problem sweetie."

After I finish eating I run upstairs to brush my teeth. when I come back down Jax helps me into my coat as my mom comes to the front door.

"Um young lady what are you wearing?"

I look at her, I had worn a lot less clothing back in Cali, "Um a skirt and shirt."

"Lace?" she says as a quesiton.

"Yeah. I like lace. Almost as much as I like leopards. Back off. I've worn a lot less to school before mom. Chill out."

I grab my purse and backpack and follow Jax out the door.

"You are all fire and ice aren't you?" he laughs opening the door for me.

"Yeah I guess so," I shrug as I slip into the black leather seat.

Once we arrive to school I see Nax pull up with Gaby and Katee in his blue mustang.

I shrug it off figuring I would talk to Katee about our English project at our lockers.

Once there Jax says, "So what class do you have first?"

"I have Spanish. I really need to start paying attention in that class."

He laughs and I lean down to grab my books. I feel his arm slide around my waist as starts to say, "You know I'd really like to talk to you about something later. Like before the party. Unfortunately it's at my house but we can hang out before hand-"

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