Here Today, Gum Tomorrow

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I am always wary when people contact me about accommodation and then inform me that the reason for their trip is to attend a wake

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I am always wary when people contact me about accommodation and then inform me that the reason for their trip is to attend a wake. Especially when the potential guests in question are Irish. I have Irish roots myself, so I am speaking from experience.

They were a father and son. The father was in his fifties and the son in his late twenties. They were booked in for two nights arriving on Friday - the day before the wake, and they were due to leave on a Sunday morning for an afternoon flight.

The night after the wake one of them had spent quite some time in the toilet, before crawling into bed.

On Sunday morning, I was waiting for them at breakfast. The son came in with a smile on his face and said in his southern Irish accent "Sal, do you mind opening up the drains? My father was a bit sick last night and managed to flush his teeth down the toilet"

I showed the son to the drain cover and he opened it up. They were nowhere to be seen so he shouted to his father to flush the toilet again. He did so and out they shot from the pipe and into the open section!

The father came downstairs and gave a toothless "hooray" before fishing them out with a plastic bag. He asked for some disinfectant, gave them a thorough wash and confidently popped them into his mouth. After a job well done, they both scampered off to the airport.

It never ceases to amaze me, the things that you witness when running a B&B!

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