Chapter 2: Already Home

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"Hey!" I gasped snapping out of my daydream as Josh threw a chip at me.
"What?" he asked almost too innocently. The held back smile on his face told me he knew exactly what I was on about.
"I know you threw the chip at me" I gasped picking it up off my lap and hitting him right in between the two eyes with it.
"Good aim" he laughed picking up the chip and eating it.

The waitress watched us disapprovingly but the owners didn't allow her to say anything they seemed to be enjoying the scene.
"Are you really going to start a food fight in the middle of a five star Chinese restaurant?" he accused loudly looking over at them.
"Me! Your the one throwing more of your food at me than you are eating it!" I scowled picking up a prawn cracker and dipping it in my curry sauce.
"Keep your knickers on princess" he laughed winking at me.
"My knickers will be staying on till were forty if you keep it up!" I growled taking a gulp of water.
"I'll cut them off with a scissors" he muttered stuffing his face with sweet and sour.
"You will not!" I choked on my water spluttering most of it on the table.

"Can I get you anything else?" the skimpy blonde waitress interrupted looking directly at Josh and not daring to give me a second glance
"Yeah actually I'd like another glass of water, and by the way I'm still waiting on my dessert" I smiled looking right up in her face soon realising I knew her.

It was Saoirse O'Leary! The years had not done her good her dyed blonde hair had been so damaged it looked fried but her cat like, sinister green eyes could rip through you still.
"Sure" she replied glaring at me.
"Thanks" I gave her my best fake smile and continued to eat my crackers.
"Awwh is babe getting jealous?" Josh teased smirking at me.
"Shut up" I giggled.

When we were finished eating and had paid the bill (more like argued at the counter as to who paid for the food.) we walked back outside exposing ourselves to the cold air once more.
"Where are we going now?" I pouted wrapping my arms around myself.
"I have one last surprise to end the night".
"What is it?" I asked opening the car door.
Confidential" he winked giving me his signature boyish smile and hurrying me into the car.

We quickly drove out of Enniscorthy. We were headed towards my home place it had seemed. I looked out the window remembering all the happy and sad memories of the place I had once called home. I had no idea what he had in store for me but if it was another hill walk count me out. We pulled up outside Ned's acre. Josh stopped the car and jumped out coming over to my side and opening the door for me
"It's to cold" I complained whining while getting out.
"Here have my jacket" he offered handing me his jacket from the back seat.
"What are we doing here?" I asked sheepishly.
"Late night horse riding" Josh laughed climbing over the gate.
"You have got to be kidding me" I insisted climbing over the gate after him.
"No I asked mum to have Cornelius ready for us today. I still need to ask you that important question remember? That's why we're here" he explained walking down the field.

As we got closer to the stables I saw Cornelius pop his head out nosily to see who was coming.
"Hey boy how are you?" Josh asked rubbing the tall stallion behind his ears.
"I don't think he can talk" I added softly.
Josh laughed at me and opened the gate letting Cornelius out.
"You ready?" He asked fixing the saddle comfortably on Cornelius.
"More than I ever will be".

I knew in my heart what I wanted Josh to ask me but there was a fine line between what my heart desires and what he was about to ask. Maybe he just wasn't ready. But then again it had been years. How much more time could one boy want?

As we went down the field I wrapped my arms around Josh protectively and nestled my head on his shoulder. I would never have thought that one night could be so perfect nor had I thought that one boy could change so much just to be with me.

Josh and I hadn't had the best love story just yet. Our past had been fairly rocky up until now. When his father left him and his mother he had taken it hard. Not only did he suffer but I had taken all the blame.

He had been turned to drugs for a while until I decided that enough was enough and I left him. Not only breaking my heart but also turning me away from love altogether. I found it hard to believe that it had only been four years since that night, although it had felt like centuries.

"You cannot blame me because your father left! I didn't make him leave! He left because he didn't want to be here! But obviously you can't see that I didn't do anything! All you want is to pass the blame onto someone else!" I cried looking at Josh his eyes filled with a feeling I had never seen. Especially not toward me, it was pure undeniable hatred.

"I didn't say that did I! You always put words in my mouth! All you ever do is try change me and maybe I don't want to be changed!".
"Change you? When have I ever tried to change you! All I've done since day one is push you to achieve what I know you can do" I argued my point across but it was no use I was to late "Fine" I continued after a moment.

"What do you mean fine?" He asked looking up at me puzzled.
"Goodbye Josh". I could feel the tears streaming down my face. I tore my eyes away from his as I ran out of the stables trying my hardest not to turn back.

Flashback ends.

"Don't think about any of that" Josh whispered as he helped me down.
"How did you..".
"I know by the way your grip had tightened around me, I didn't mean any of what I had said back then I promise you, I haven't been able to forgive myself ever since I let you go".
"I love you Josh".
"Isabelle I love you more than anything in the world" Josh smiled kissing me softly.
I wrapped my arms around his neck not wanting to let our lips part.

Josh pulled me closer to him and wrapped my legs around his waist, running my fingers through his hair I pulled away looking into his lustful eyes.
"Not infront of him" I giggled gesturing toward Cornelius.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh asked catching me off guard.
"I would love too!" I smiled kissing him passionately.
Josh let me down slowly and before I knew it we were running through the field trying to out run each other to the car.
"You are a very kinky woman.. But then again you've been like that since the first day I met you" Josh groaned lifting me up on the bonnet of the car.
"Don't complain you love it" I teased biting his lip gently.
"Hey! Who's out there!" A voice shouted waving a torch around from a close enough distance.
"Shit!" Josh snapped running round to the drivers side.

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