Standing Up

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"Why don't you just get off your ass for 12 hours while I'm at work and be a parent for once in your damn life!?" my father screamed at my mother, as she sat there on the blue couch, looking sleepy as always.  I peeked out of my bedroom door, being quiet.  My dad didn't want me to see them argue.

"Wait a second Billy I need to get the tentttt," my mother said confusedly, as she stumbled to her feet and walked over to the living room closet.  

"Angie, what are you talking about!? You locked our daughters in their room all day with no food or water! Why? So you could sleep!? You're a pathetic crackhead and I'm officially done with you.  I called your mom, and she'll be here in an hour to drop you off at the jail!"

"You fuckin' tattle tale always calling my mom.  Why don't you damn marry her?! Why are you so uptight Billy?"

"Because you treat my girls like shit.  I love you but my kids come first.  Goodbye Angie.  Brookelle, Carli! Come say bye to mama! We're going on vacation!"

I held my little sisters hand and walked out to the living room.  I was 10, she was 7.  

"Give mama a hug and lets go girls." Dad said softly.  I walked up to Mom and tried to pull Carli with me.  She wouldn't budge, so I looked back.  She shook her head no sadly, and then ran over to Dad.  I went to give my mom a hug, and she didn't hug me back.

"Why the fuck are you hugging me? It's not like your leaving," my mother said to me coldly.  I just walked over to my dad.  It was something I was used to.  

"Girls, put your jackets on and go out to the car.  Brookie, will you help Carli with her zipper?" asked my dad.  I knew he was making us go out early because he wanted to call  mama bad names, so I nodded and obeyed.  

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