Chapter 51: The Day Their Surprise Was Confirmed

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"Hey, let's tell everyone first, then we can get my vitamins." Jenna tells him.

"We? Jenna, we're gonna tell everyone, then you're gonna rest." James tells her, opening the car door for her. "I'll get your vitamins for you."

"Fine." Jenna mumbles, crossing her arms.

James gets into the drivers seat and wraps his arms around Jenna, kissing her cheek. He puts his hand on her stomach, trying to avoid showing just how emotional he's really feeling. He wants to cry tears of joy right now, but that wouldn't be a good idea while the paparazzi are around. He just can't help that he's so excited. Jenna is actually expecting their baby. It feels so unreal, yet they both know that it's really happening. The next few months are gonna be really exciting.

"Why do you look so sleepy?" He laughs as he starts the car.

"I'm pregnant, Jay." Jenna giggles, fastening her seatbelt.

"I know that." James says, ruffling her hair before backing out of the parking space.

Everyone looks at James and Jenna with surprise, trying to comprehend what Jenna just said. Will probably looks the most shocked of all, while the guys show no signs of being surprised. Of course, they were already suspicious and this just confirmed those suspicions. Everyone else is giving them a pretty normal reaction. While Will looks like he just saw a ghost and the guys have knowing smiles on their faces, the rest of the group looks , that's a majority of them. That's a good thing, right?

"Daddy?" Jenna asks worriedly.

"I'm happy for you, princess." Will says gently. "I'm just surprised."

"I'm gonna be a grandma!" Mandy says cheerfuly, hugging her daughter and son in law.

"Hey, I've gotta get your vitamins." James whispers to Jenna, kissing her cheek. He waves at the rest if the group, then leaves the apartment.

Jenna yawns as she sits between Kendall and Logan. The pregnancy fatigue has kicked in and she's in serious need of some rest. She obviously can't cuddle with James because he's not here, but she's sure that one of the guys will be willing to be her special pillow until he gets back. She yawns and lays down with her head on Logan's lap and her feet on Kendall's. They look at Will, Mandy, and Chris with confusion, rolling their eyes when Jenna's family shrugs in response. Obviously, the next few months are gonna seem very long.

"You guys are gonna take care of me until my hubby gets back." Jenna says, sounding like a little child.

"Yay." Kendall and Logan say through their smiles.

"Just do what she says, dogs." Gustavo says coolly. "Just do what she says."

"Jenna, why don't we take you back to the apartment?" Carlos suggests. "You'll feel much more comfy in your own bed."

"Okay." Jenna sighs, standing up. "Come on, guys."

"Thank you!" Kendall and Logan mouth to Carlos.

"Mom, we'll be back in about an hour." Kendall says as he, his friends, and his other friend's wife walk toward the door.

"Okay, sweetie." Ms Knight says.

As they walk down the hallway, Kendall can't help but stare at Jenna's still flat stomach. She looks normal right now, except for her clothes being just a bit tighter than usual. But that's probably just bloating. However, she's gonna look like a whale in a few months. He wouldn't say that to her face, but they can't deny it. When she's about four months along, she isn't going to look that skinny anymore. Her stomach is gonna grow and it's gonna be hard not to stare at her, even when she starts crying about them thinking she's fat.

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