Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama

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They approach 2J and she pushes the door open. Ms Knight is in the kitchen, Katie is sitting at the dining table with her Castle Bashers game, and the guys are watching TV in the living room. Jenna immediately heads over to her boyfriend, hugging him from behind. She kisses his cheek and rubs his shoulders, listening to his adorable chuckling.

"My exams are finally over!" She says in relief, walking around the couch. She sits on James's lap, kissing him softly.

"Shhh!" Kendall says loudly, making a wild motion with his hands. Jenna looks at the TV and sees that it's turned to Hot Tunes TV.

"We've got the first listen at the first song from the Chauncey Jackson soundtrack. It's called Run Away and it is performed by one of the film's stars, Jo Taylor. You can listen to the full song on our official website, but here is a sample!"

The song plays, then the reporter starts speaking again.

"It has not been said whether there will be a music video or not, but the song will be featured in the first film of this three part series." The reporter, Melanie Handler, says enthusiastically. "But that's not the only news about the former New Town High star, who played Rachel in the series, which is in it's third season. Since the Chauncey Jackson series began filming, there have been many news stories regarding her rumored relationship with beau Dak Zevon. And now it seems that they've finally decided to go public! The two were seen kissing outside the apartment building where they are staying."

A picture of Jo and Dak kissing appears on the screen and everyone's eyes fill with disbelief. Kendall probably looks the most irritated, though. After all, Jo was his girlfriend.

"Hey, didn't she tell you that they weren't together?" Logan asks him.

"Yeah, she did." Kendall says angrily, grabbing his cell phone from the coffee table. He storms to his room and slams the door behind him. Everyone watches in concern, knowing that he's about to call Jo and confront her about the pictures. They hope he doesn't let his anger get the best of him. That's how the guys got into a fight with the bodyguards at Gustavo's auditions. Even though they feel bad for him, they also realize something important. Kendall can't really accuse Jo of cheating on him because they're not together anymore. They both have a right to date whoever they want.

"Do you guys think he's okay?" Katie asks them.

"He's probably gonna call Jo." Carlos sighs, shaking his head.

James frowns, even as Jenna kisses his cheek. He's concerned for his best friend. He and Kendall have always been really close, having known each other longer than they've known Carlos and Logan. He hopes that Kendall doesn't get too angry about Jo. He doesn't want his friend to say something that he'll regret later. Jo doesn't intend on hurting anyway. She's gonna be in New Zealand for almost three years and it's hard not to fall in love with someone else. James is sure that Jo would love to be with Kendall, but if they're gonna be apart for so long, why should either one of them have to keep waiting to get back together?

"Hey, I'm gonna check on him." He says, kissing Jenna. She lets him get up and he kisses the top of her head before walking to his and Kendall's room. He stands by the door and listens to Kendall's voice on the other side. The blonde boy sounds angry as he confronts his ex girlfriend about the picture and James can barely hear Jo's voice on the other line. Wow, she must be yelling pretty loudly if James can even hear her.

"Publicity? Jo, why do you let them push you around? I mean, is this movie really that important to you? I can't believe you care more about your job than how I feel...Hey, don't you dare say that...How can you say that I'm selfish? I am fully aware that we're not together, but I thought that you still loved me...Obviously, you don't...Wow, you are unbelievable...Jo, you have completely let fame go to your head...Will you stop denying it? Just admit that Hollywood has completely taken over your life...Ugh, Jo, I didn't mean to make you cry...Come on...Don't do this...Jo?"

Just A Dream (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora