The child of the wild.

Start from the beginning

Naughty baby! Such a naughty little girl! Ooh she was so stubborn because she decided to stay in the oven much longer than I intended. All my babies we're premature, so I was use to having early labour and I was so use to it, that come the time for Ella to mark her arrival and she didn't, as much as I loved carrying around a bouncing baby in my tummy, I was so over being pregnant...

12th December 1994: 

I finish the last bite of the spicy chicken Korma that Lindsey bought for me from the indian restuarant that opened in the city. I put the now empty container on the table with the plastic utensils in it, '' Well, that's that. I'm not going into labour tonight.'' I dryly mutter to Lindsey whose still finishing off his food. '' Oh come on Steph don't say that, just wait til the spices kick in.'' he groans, he's just as frustrated with this as I am. I've been eating mexican all throughout my pregnancy, had spices worked this baby would have been birthed months ago! My due date was supposed to be today! But nothing, I only got a few braxton hicks today, but that's as far as it would go. No cramps...nothing, she's been lazy today not moving around as much as she usually does. I throw my hands on the center of my belly, and my hands roam all over the area where she's resting. The kids have gone to sleep, and I was just so hungry I was craving something exotic other than mexican food, and Lindsey has been dying to try the indian restuarant so I caved and I let him order me the spiciest thing on the menu to help get this 'Dumpling' out of me. But well, she's not bothered at all. He finishes eating throws the rubbish in the trash can, and comes over by me, he rest his hand on the side of my enlarged and distended stomach. 

'' Come on little Ella-belle, we're waiting for you. Mommy and daddy are dying to meet you.'' he says.  '' Stevie have you tried I don't know forcing her out, by I don't know well trying to push her out.'' I roll my eyes and look up at him for that stupid comment. '' No, look maybe she'll start swimming tomorrow?'' I say rubbing my hands up and down where she's shifting about.  

'' And if she doesn't come tomorrow--?'', '' She'll be here the next day. Help me up please.'' he takes my hand and pulls me up from the chair. So much effort, I can definitely feel the weight of her pushing down on my lower body, she's a big baby so I hope she breaks my waters soon. I go over to the fridge and grab out a water bottle and have a drink, '' Stevie why don't you just ask to induce your labour?'' he ask, '' Because I'm not overdue, and they only induce a labour if it's an emergency or if the baby's dilated enough, or if it's all ripe down there. Yesterday for my checkup they said she's not dilated enough, so let's just give her a couple of days okay.'' I open the fridge and put the water bottle back. I feel Lindsey come up behind me, place his hands on my belly, I turn my head a little. He passionately kisses my lips as he caresses Ella lovingly, '' she'll come Steph. Don't worry she'll come. Why don't we organise an appointment for tomorrow eh?'' I smile and nod '' okay.'' 

16th December 1994: 

'' I just, I just don't get it, she was due four days ago and nothing.'' I say to Doctor Gomez as 'she' (yes Doctor Gomez's daughter, the real Doctor Gomez we're use to is vacationing in Spain right now). She uses the ultrasound to check Ella, I smile as I see the image of her appear on the screen, Aaron is with Lindsey and I. He wasn't feeling too well, so we picked him up early from school, much to his dismay he's here with us at my appointment. '' Aaron do you see her?'' I ask him, I look to the side and he's screwing his face up as he stares at the chart on the wall of the female uterus. I plafully slap his shoulder '' ah mom!'' he groans, '' Honey if you don't like it don't look at it'' I say to him. Honestly he can be such a drama queen sometimes, '' now do you see your baby sister.'' he looks to the computer screen and winces '' whoa!'' he says staring in awe of the imagery, '' pretty cool huh?'' Lindsey says. I watch Aaron look at 'Ella' in all her glory, just lying in the womb, resting peacefully, '' All right, now I'm just gonna check her heart beat.'' Doctor Gomez then uses some sort of instrument and places it on my belly, she plays around with it until she finds where Ella's situated and her heartbeat starts sounding out in the room.

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