Chapter Two

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  • Dedicated to All my lovely readers :D

Hey guys here's chapter two, you may find this one exciting, I don't know, you tell me ;)

The video on the side is an Etta James song because she died on Friday and she is a legend who deserves to be remembered :D

I want to dedicate this to one of my wonderful readers, but I can't decide who, because you're ALL amazing :D So it's to all of you...

Happy reading :D


     Michael’s red Volvo was hurtling down the A40, pushing the speed limit. He wasn’t worried about getting a speeding ticket, or having an accident, he was just relieved. Jordan had finally pushed him to do it.

     Not a day had gone by when he hadn’t considered getting in his car and driving to St. David’s to see Debby, not since the moment he’d left her house and wanted to turn right around again. For three long years he had resisted, and now here he was, giving in to the craving, and it felt so good.

     He hadn’t stopped to think about it for a second. By forcing him to talk about her, Jordan had opened up a door that had been kept tightly sealed, mostly out of fear. Michael didn’t care, he just told himself that what had been done was done, and that he couldn’t close it again.

     All those years of patience and will power, but once he’d started talking about her he knew he was going. He had just about been able to wait the two hours until Jordan left the flat again, then he grabbed some clothes and jumped in the car.

     The four and a half hour drive gave him time to think. It was only in the last half hour, as he made his way through Haverfordwest, that he started doubting himself. What if she’s out? What if she’s in, but with her boyfriend? What if she doesn’t remember me? All of a sudden the horrible possibilities wouldn’t go away.

     It was nine thirty in the evening, and he was four hours away from his home. Where would he stay? The girl he loved did not necessarily still love him, and he wasn’t guaranteed a warm reception. There was no turning back now, he had to go to St. David’s, but who said that Debby would be glad to see him turn up at her house at night?

     Think Michael, think, he told himself. He had to come up with a solution, and fast.

     Did he know anyone else he could stay with?

     And that’s when it came to him- Beth. She was the obvious answer. While he knew she wasn’t back in Wales until the end of the week (because of Facebook), he was fairly sure her mum, Dee, would be there. Dee was the sweetest, most generous woman, and she had been over the moon to have Michael come spend the summer with them, so surely she would let him stay now?

     As he neared St. David’s, he took the side road leading to the Jones’ house. It was a lonely road, just out side of the city, and theirs’ was the only house in the area. He felt a little like he was invading as he pulled up in the driveway, but he had no choice. He climbed out of the car, taking his rucksack with him and approached the door.

     He didn’t know exactly what to do. He knew the door would be unlocked, and in the past he had always just walked in. But he couldn’t do that now. He raised his arm and rang the doorbell.

     It took a few seconds for Dee to get to the door, but she opened it, warm air flowing out to him. It was the picture of homeliness, this house where he had so many fond memories, with this slightly round woman, grinning with genuine joy as bright light spilled out into the darkness.

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