CHAPTER 56: Love bite

Start from the beginning

-"She's a bit shy, yes, but very beautiful and funny. And simple. And sweet... There are so many words I could use to describe her positively", he said.

Jade is undescriptible. I mean, words are not enough.

-"Jade is breathtaking", I said, smiling at the thought of her sitting beside me, leaning on my chest while watching TV. Her soft hair against my chin and her dainty hands around mine.

I was broken out of my thoughts when Niall yawned.

-"I barely had sleep yesterday... I'm knackered", he said.

-"Why didn't you sleep?", I asked.

-"I don't know.. I just couldn't", he sighed, leaning on the chair and immediately falling asleep.

I did the same, and the last thing I remembered before I fell asleep was a voice announcing we were about to take off.

[Jade's POV]

I entered the flat and plopped on the sofa.

I asked the girls if they wanted to go shopping but they all had stuff to do.

I lied there for a second untill I heard a knock on the door.

I jumped and whimpered off the couch and stumbled towards the door.

-"Who is it?", I asked before I opened.

-"Stuart!", he said.

I sighed and was about to reject him, but remembered Harry telling me it was okay.

It sounds like as if he was controlling me, but really he just cares and worries for me.

-"Hi Stuart", I said as  I opened the door.

-"Hello Jade, I brought these for you", he said, showing me a colourful bouquet.

-"Aw, what's this for?", I smiled, taking the flowers and putting them onto my nose to smell the relaxing scent of sweetness.

-"Congratulations. You won the X Factor", he smiled.

-"Thanks, come in please", I smiled, letting him in. He smiled and came in.

-"Take a sit", I offered.

-"Thanks", he said, taking a seat.

-"I'll put these on a vase", I murmured to myself, picking up a nice vase with trivial prints on it. I poured water in it and ripped the wrapper off the flowers and gently placed them into the vase.

-"Your place is really nice", Stuart said.

-"Thanks, yours is lovely too", I said.

-"My mum. She loves keeping everything nice and tidy", he chuckled.

-"I see", I said, giggling and joining him on the sofa.

-"Hey, why don't you live alone? I think you're big enough for that, big boy", I said, scolding him.

-"Yeah, I know... My mum and dad think I should get a girl first. They're crazy! I mean, I'm ready to move. I know what to do, and people are offering me amazing jobs. My parents don't understand; I could perfectly live alone", he said.


-"Why don't you get a girl and if you don't like her, break with her. Your parents wouldn't take you back right?", I suggested.

-"They would put pressure on me telling me I should get a girl quickly. I don't know why they have so much interests on that.", he said, rolling his eyes.

-"Oh. Well... You'll get a girl", I said.

-"I don't think anybody will date me", he said.

-"Why?", I asked.

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