I laid in the ice for what felt like hours before I heard the voice. The snow was falling thickly now, and I was being buried alive underneath it all. I peered through my eyelids above me to see the shadow figure hovering over me, same as before. Feared washed over me and I began to yell again. Words with clarity were sang into the air, and took a blow to my chest with each statement, as I realized what they meant. 

"A life for a life will be the end. The key is in opposites, but in kin. One is fire, and the other's ice, they'll be the end of a nation's fight." It was a woman's voice and it cut through my mind as it echoed through the dark sky. Suddenly, the shadow vanished, and the voice became silent. 


 I bolted up from the hospital bed as I felt lips on mine.  A collective sigh of relief came from Wes, Jenna, and a man in a labcoat. I glanced around quickly before I was engulfed in a tight hug from Jenna. 

The man stepped forward and addressed me. "Well, Miss Reid, you've given us quite a scare. You coded and I had to perform CPR. We've now controlled your blood loss, so you shall be fine. But for now, you will remain in critical care while we keep a close eye on you." My head was pounding, and I needed to see Camry. I wanted the doctor to just shut up. Contrary to my wishes, he continued on. "Your shoulder will take weeks to heal, as the bullet severed several tendons and wedged deep into your muscle. Luckily, it didn't penetrate any bones, so once your infection clears up, that'll be all right. You have a major concussion, most likely from the car wreck. You need to stay in bed for a few days, not that you'd be able to get up and walk anyways. We're going to have to do a blood transfusion, due to the extreme blood loss you've suffered. You're going to need stitches in your shoulder, right forearm, and top of your skull. Aside from physical injuries, you've been through extreme mental conditions, and you're underweight. We're going to give you antibiotics for probably a week. After that you'll be in therapy for a few months, and then you'll be ready to train like the rest of your siblings. You and Drew will be in our care the longest, as the car wreck gave you two a tough beating." I looked down at my arms, where blood soaked gauze was now wrapped around them. The handcuffs really dug into my flesh.  My eyes flitted and he spoke yet again. " We're going to give you medication to help you sleep these next few hours, while I stitch you up. My name is Dr. Bernard, and if you have any requests or questions, just let me know." He had a warm smile and tufts of white hair that revealed his age. After he walked to the counter and back with my medicine,  I put in my one request.

"Dr. Bernard," I weakly croaked "when I wake up, I want my twin to be here. I need to talk to her." His wise green eyes sparkled as he promised me he'd make it happen. He gave me the pills, and off to sleep I went into a dreamless state. 


I woke to my sister's humming-an old song our mother made up. As my eye lids fluttered open, I sang along quietly. "The world can be a scary place, but my love is always here. No matter where you've come and gone, in my arms you belong. Safe and still."

Camry held my hand and scooted her chair closer, until light brown hair ticked my cheek. She whispered for me to sit up, and slowly I did-with minimal trouble from my shoulder. 

"Oh my gosh, Carlyn! They told me that your heart stopped! No one would tell us anything or let us in to see you. Livie fainted and Drew blacked out! We've all been hooked up on antibiotics.  They fed us, but we didn't know about you. I was so worried! Oh my gosh..." She squeezed me too tight for my shoulder's liking, tears spilling onto her cheeks. She continued to babble on until I eventually shushed her and told her that we were all okay now. Apparently I'd been unconscious for a couple days. The rest of my siblings were out of the hospital wings, even Drew, and living in dormitories with other kids like us. I drifted back into a dreamless state while she talked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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