"Ally, I won't I promise."

"You always say that, Louis. You always beat yourself up because of me. I don't like seeing you like this." She closed her eyes, and bit her lip.

"Ally, look at me." She continued to shut her eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks, as she shook her head. I leveled her eyes with mine. "Look at me. Nothing will ever mean more to me, than you. And if you don't want this to happen again, it won't." She took deep breaths.

"Why did this happen?" My eyes widened, as I stared at her concerned face.

"I...I got a message. And...I don't want to say." I closed my eyes.

"So it is because of me."

"No no Ally! I chose to react to it this way."

"But the root is me?" I took a deep breath. She covered her face, and I heard her sobs.

"Come here." I said. I held out her arms, as I felt her body scoot over, and lean against mine. My arms wrapped around her familiar body. Her familiar body that...that his hands were on.

I quickly let go of her, and her eyes immediately opened. "What's wrong? Louis? Louis?"

"Louis?" My mum's voice boomed. I looked for Ally. She was gone. "He's right there." She pointed to me, as people came in with a stretcher.

"I'm fine! I'm fucking fine." The room was spinning once again, as I realized blood was still running down my hand. My head fell back onto the wall as I shut my eyes to complete blackness.

Ally's POV:

I laid on the bed, staring up at the blank ceiling. Tears continued rushing down my face with my still beating heart. My body was stiff. It could no longer move nor function from...what happened.

It wasn't even that big. Nothing really happened he just...touched me. I don't even want to rethink the details of what had happened minutes before.

This pain would probably never go away for years and years on. Thanks to all of this...I probably won't ever be the same again. As the worst part is, this will be a daily thing.

And...it would get much worse. Nothing would ever feel the same after this. But his words...his 10 simple words.

"I had a lovely chat with your friend Louis today."

I must've thought about it a million times. Louis talked with the "boss" today, and he doesn't even know it. Wait.

Doesn't that mean that I would know him. Well...no. It could be a police officer or a person outside of school. Had Louis even been going to school?

If I know him well enough, he has been. But it's probably been a complete hell for everyone. He's probably been cursing people out and yelling at everyone...wait.

What am I saying? Louis probably isn't even looking. He probably...

Allison Grace Smith. Don't you ever say that I wouldn't search for you. I would search years, decades, centuries for you. I will do anything to find you.

Louis? No. That wasn't Louis. That was just in my head.

It may have just been in your head, but it's the truth.

This definitely is not making things better. Once again, I'm reminded of how hard he's looking, and all the struggles he's going through. Imagine if he knew what happened.

He would probably zone out. He would curse out everyone and everything. I can't even imagine what else would happen. I bet his hands clench, and the fire burns inside of him.

Stop it Ally. Don't think about him. It only makes everything worse. Thinking of how mad he would be if he saw this. How he would grip your wrist and pull you into his arms. He would whisper soothing thoughts in your ear how it would all be ok.

Allison! Stop. I took a deep breath, and felt tears rush down my face. Why? Why does this happen? Why do these evil people just take a girl and use her. They figure it's good for them, well it's a living hell here!

I'm fed minimum, I'm left in a room all day, and I'm forced into prostitution with a boss who I have no idea of what he looks like. Wait. I do know him.

The first time I heard him speak, his voice sounded familiar. Only vaguely. I probably have only seen him a few times or so. But it's sounded so familiar...the first time.

This time it was deeper. Scarier. He probably disguised it, so I wouldn't even know who he was. But who was he? It was killing me inside. That and this stiffness. Tears were rushing down my face.

I want my house.

I want Charlie.

I want school.

I want Louis.

I want to get out of here! I covered my face with my hands, attempting to wipe these tears out of my eyes. I might as well kill myself to get out of this death trap. That was exactly what it was. A death trap.

I was stuck in a dark room, and all I have to do all day is worry and cry and scream in my head. I can't even scream out loud. I'll get yelled at.

I looked over at the small clock on the side table that was connected to the bed. 8 at night. I lifted up my stiff arm, reaching out for the clock.

It was a small glass clock. It was an analogue clock, not a digital. Why am I concerned with a clock! I should be trying to figure out a way out of here. I did appreciate this clock John gave me. I turned it in the palm of my hand. What?

Something was written on the bottom in small letters. It was on a label, but it looked almost...written. It looked like a foreign language. I read it over and over in my head.

Setreh a eyk durne eth ebd

Sorry for the long wait! I've been busy and stuff plus I needed a long wait because the last chapter was intense. ^^^ hmmmm...wonder what that means. But Louis. Aw I love him so much he's such a sweetheart. <3 Vote and comment! Love ya.

The Dark WindowsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz