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Min Ji's POV

Why aren't they here yet? It's almost an hour since my last class ended.

Just then, my phone rang. It was Nam Joon oppa.


"Hi. We are here already. Where are you?"

"Let's meet outside the office."

"Okay. See you there."

*outside the office*

"What took you guys so long? And why are you here?" I asked, impatient.

"Yoongi hyung insisted to tag along so we had to wait for him." Nam Joon oppa said.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Yoongi oppa tilted down his shades and looked at me.

"Not really to be honest. I rather be sleeping now than seeing anyone." I said sarcastically. I was happy to see them again to be honest.

"Let's go in then." Tae Hyung oppa said.

*inside the professors' office*

"Hello. We are Min Ji's brothers. What's the problem?" Nam Joon said.

"She got into a fight with the daughter of the principal." she stated. 

They looked at me, as if they were asking me if it was true.

"She started it first."

"What happened exactly? You aren't the type to get into fights so easily." Tae Hyung oppa asked.

"She kept harassing me and asking whether I was Suga's girlfriend. When I ignored her, she came back to me and pulled my hair. Am I supposed to just stand there and let her insult me like that?" I tried to sound as calm as possible.

"You should have called one of us." the professor said.

"Would that matter? Would you dare to take disciplinary measures against her? No right? So what's the point?" I smirked at her and rolled my eyes. All the professors were scared of Yoon Ju. She could get away with everything she did.

"But the thing is that you shouldn't be dating at this age in the first place." she said, but it was kinda redundant. I mean how is that related to why she needs someone to come down to the office to speak to her.

"Madam, I think it doesn't really matter if she is dating Suga or not. The thing now is that you are wasting our time here just because you have to do something to appease the principal's daughter am I right?" Yoongi oppa said. Wow damn, I'm glad he tagged along.

"The people she hangs out around is something that is of my responsibility as well. But the thing is, who are you? Are you her brother?" she asked.

Yoongi oppa took of his shades, "I'm Suga."

"You mean Suga from the boy band... Bangtan?" She stuttered a  little.

"Yes he is." I said, smirking a little. I guess now its my turn to have the professors fear me.

"Aren't you her boyfriend? Why are you here?" she asked, confused.

Just then, Nam Joon oppa took of his shades and said, "I'm her brother. These are my friends. By the way, I'm Rap Monster - the leader of Bangtan."

"I'm V," Tae Hyung oppa introduced himself.

"Okay... can the rest leave, I would like to speak to Min Ji's brother only." she said, a look of shock on her face.

"No madam. You are wasting our lives here, we're taking Min Ji along with us," Yoongi oppa said as he stood up. He came towards me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the office with Nam Joon oppa and Tae Hyung oppa tagging along behind us. 

Yoongi's POV

I couldn't take this anymore. That professor was just straight on bullying Min Ji. It's so obvious that she is scared of the principal's daughter.

Maybe I should make her scared of Min Ji as well. Then she wouldn't do anything to her next time something like this happens again.

Min Ji's POV

*outside the office*

"Oppa! What are you doing?" I asked.

"Getting you out of that shit. Wasn't that what you asked for?" Yoongi oppa said.

"NO?! I'm going to get in more trouble from just leaving like that without settling things! What if she calls my parents? What if she tells the public that Nam Joon oppa is my brother when he actually isn't? I'll get into trouble with Seok Jin oppa and my parents! And how would you explain to the fans that I'm actually related to you?" I was actually worried about what was going to happen.

Then, Yoongi oppa pulled me into a hug, saying, "See, we'll solve this okay? You can't hide the fact that you are Seok Jin hyung's sister. We'll tell the fans together okay. Don't be scared, okay?" 

Tears threatened to fall down my eyes, but it all stopped when Yoongi oppa pulled me into his arms.

What is this familiar feeling?

- flashback to when Min Ji was young - 

"Min Ji! Happy birthday!" Jungkook oppa said, jumping around.

"Thank you!! So, where's my present. You promised me that I'll like it!" I asked.

"Here it is," Jungkook oppa said, as he came forward and wrapped his hands around me. 

- end of flashback - 

"Min Ji, don't worry too much. I'm sure your parents and Seok Jin hyung would understand you." Tae Hyung oppa comforted me as Yoongi oppa released me from his arms. 

"Yes. For now, do you want to follow us back to the dorm first?" Nam Joon oppa asked me. 

"Sure. I think it's best that I tell Seok Jin hyung about this first before anything happens." I said.

"Let's go then!" Tae Hyung oppa said.


AN: WOOO! Here's the end of Chapter 13. I hope you like it! It was so hard writing the hug scene without smiling like a crazy woman 😂 Do leave a vote and comment for me :)
~한별 😁

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