The Day James Asked For A Date

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As he exits the elevator, he accidentally runs into Camille Roberts, Logan's girlfriend and one of James's closest girl friends. She's known as the Palm Woods Method Actress Queen. She's very serious about her acting and she can frequently be seen in character. She's cool, though. She and Logan are complete opposites, but they're a great couple. James occasionally helps her rehearse for auditions.

"Hey, why are you in such a hurry?" She asks him. "Does it have something to do with that girl that Logan told me about?"

"Does everyone know about her?" James complains.

"Hey, it's okay." Camille says in amusement. "Logan said that she seems really cool, even though he hasn't actually talked to her. Are you gonna see her any time today?"

"I'm going to get her a sandwich." James says before walking past her. He runs out to the parking garage and looks for the Big Time Rush mobile. When he finds the red convertible, he gets into the drivers seat and puts the key in the ignition. He knows where Subway is, but he hopes that he'll be able to find Hollywood Gardens. He does not feel like getting lost in a big city like Los Angeles. He wants to surprise Jenna with a little "gift" and put his plan into action. Yeah, he's putting together a plan to get a date with Jenna.

He takes a deep breath to calm his nerves and drives out of the parking garage.

James ordered the sandwich and it's sitting in the front passengers seat, while James searches for Hollywood Gardens. He's using GPS, so he should be arriving in the neighborhood any minute. Finally, he sees the "Hollywood Gardens" sign. On each side of it, there is a rose bush. Right past the sign is the neighborhood entrance. He turns right and looks at the beautiful homes. He hopes that he can find Jenna's place. He really hopes that he can find it.

Each Hollywood Gardens home is made of brick and are either one story or two stories tall. Since it's November, some people have started putting out Christmas decorations, such as wreaths. James and the guys are planning on going back to Minnesota for the break. He slows down when he sees two brunettes standing on the front porch. He recognizes one girl as Jenna, while the other girl must be her sister. James watches as the other girl walks out to a shiny blue car and gets into the drivers seat. James anxiously waits for the sister (He thinks that her name was Chris) to leave and when she is finally out of sight, James parks in front of the home.

He grabs the sandwich and steps out of the car, walking to the porch. He rings the doorbell and waits patiently. Is it weird that he's visiting her home when they don't even know each other? They've only met a couple of times, so he hopes that he's not scaring her. He's not trying to, but some girls don't like guys that are too forward. Should he leave the sandwich at the doorstep and get out before she knows that he was here? Or should he stay? Before he can make a final decision, the door opens.

"James?" Jenna questions. "What are you doing here?"

"I read on your Facebook that you were craving Subway, so I got you a Spicy Italian sub." James says, handing the sandwich to her. She looks grateful when she accepts the sandwich, which is a good sign. Maybe James isn't making a complete fool of himself. James Diamond is smooth, calm and collected, not a socially awkward idiot with no experience with the ladies. He's pretty sure that he knows how to impress a girl like Jenna.

"You really pay attention to these things, don't you? I appreciate that." Jenna says, leaning against the door frame. James finds himself staring at her with passionate desire. She's not wearing anything special. Just jeans, a black tank top, and purple zip up jacket, with her hair pulled into a pony tail. But James likes it. He likes it a lot.

"I didn't want you to have to keep waiting for something that you could have right now." James says. He hums awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. What is he thinking? He doesn't even know. He's normally great with words, but something is preventing him from speaking. What is happening to him? Maybe it has something to do with him falling out of bed and hitting his head on the floor this morning. Could he be suffering from some kind of damage to his brain? Ugh, that's a stupid excuse. He just needs to face it. Jenna Harper makes him nervous, but not in a bad way. It's the kind of nervous that happens when you really like someone.

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