The Mental Ninja (Naruto FanFiction)

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The patite girl scretched her arms above her head, a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Saiko!" The nurse called, as the red haired girl walked past her.

"Good morning Aki!" Saiko waved at her, blue eyes filled with happiness.

"The doctor is waiting to you," she smiled, and Saiko's smile slipped off her face, thoughs becoming sad again.

She sighed, "okay Aki."

The small girl walked straight to the well- known office, sweater and jeans tightening around her body.

She knocked on the white door once, upon opening it.

Inside was a tanned, black haired man. "Saiko?" He said, then looked up, "Yes, it is you." He smiled warmly at her. "How are you today?" His grey eyes could just about read Saiko's thoughts.

A bond that's been getting stronger every day that goes by.

"Fine, I guess," she replied awkwardly, looking down at the brown carpet that took over the whole room.

"I hope it'll get better," Saiko looked up, woder in her eyes. "The Hokage has spoken to me, and is thinking that you are ready."

Saiko froze.


No, no, no, no!

Her breathes becoing shallow.

Mind dizzy.

Stomache rumbling.

Cold sweat.

She was having a panic attack.

She can't be a ninja!

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