Chapter 41

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Later That Night

We're still at Joey's. We're all staying over at Joey's for a night since we wanted to hangout a bit. Anyways right now we're playing monopoly. And I'm in the lead! Yay!!


Daniel got 6. He moved forward six times. "I'm gonna buy this place!" He shouted. "Give me your money." The cashier which is Yammy said. "Here it is." He gives her the money and puts a house on it. It was Joel's turn to roll the dice. He got 2. "I love my luck." They all laugh. He then moves two and ends up on the prison. "BLUMMIN' HECK! How LUCKY am I?! By the way, note he sarcasm!" They all laugh and he quits. "I quit. I'm just gonna watch you guys." They all then continued play and at the end. JOEY WON!

"Thank you to all my fans and supporters!" Joey said while waving his hand. Lizzie rolls her eyes." Its because you stole my spin!" "You were too slow girl." Joey said trying to flip his hair. They all then laughed. "So what now?" Kyle asked. "Movieee!!!" Lizzie and Yammy shouted while giggling. "Ginx! Ginx again!" They both laugh. Joel then facepalms." Lizzie, babe. Did you take shots?" "If she did then Yammy probably did too." Kyle said replying. They all then laugh while Joey was picking a movie. "Uhm hello? What movie do you guys want?"

"DISNEYYY!!" All of them shouted. "Well then. Disney it is." "Wait which one?" Joey asked. "Let's go with Shrek!" Joel said. "Nu-uh! We should watch Cinderella!" Yammy said. "Jungle book is awesome!" Kyle said. "The best is Frozen." Daniel said arguing. They then all start arguing while Lizzie stands up and gets the Big Hero 6 CD. And puts it in. It starts playing and all of them go quiet. They all then start watching. Lizzie goes to the bathroom and changes into her Pink Unicorn Onesie.

She ties her hair and goes beside Joel. Joel hugs her and she hugs back. Half way through the movie. She falls asleep on the lap of Joel. While everyone was still awake watching Big Hero 6 and eating popcorn. Joey then started to Periscope and after 2minutes there were about a hundred people watching. The chat was like. "Omg Hey Joey!" "It's so late!" "Omg Jizzie at the Back Tho!" "JIZZIE!!" "Lizzie is so cute!" "UNICORN ONESIEEE!!!"<The last one is totally me😂> "Hey Joel say Hi to the fans!" Joey said. "Heyoo!!" "Hello from Lizzie too!" He said while lifting her arm and waving it.

Time Skip- At The Morning

I'm the first one awake. What time is it? I look at my phone and it's still 7am. I stand up and take a bath. I dry myself up and change into a grey shorts with black outlining and a white sweater and her black shoes from yesterday. She then folded up a bit of her sweater and also tied her hair up. She then started cooking Pancakes for breakfast.

20minutes later

Everything was set up. There was orange juice and syrup on the table. She also prepared some berries and sugar. Her friends then start waking up and go to the kitchen. Where she was cleaning the plates and pans. "Woah." Was all they said. They sat down and was about to eat when they noticed. "Where's Lizzie?" Joel said. Lizzie came out of the kitchen about to go to the living room when she saw them. "Oh hey guys!" She said with a smile. "Omg. Did you prepare this Lizzie!?" Joey asked. She just nodded. "Well. Wont you join us?" "I already ate." She said. "I'll just be in the living room." She said adding to her sentence. They nodded and continued eating.

She sat down on the sofa cuddling on to a pillow. "Ugh. The pain." She then wrapped up even more. "Hey babe. You okay?" Joel asked. Finsihed eating his food. "I'm good." She said forcing a smile. "Forcing a smile ay. Whats wrong?" "Stomach. I wanna vomite. But I cant." "OH. Are you tired. Or Ill?" "I dont feel like it." He feels her forehead. "You're feeling quite hot babe." "In what way?" She asks giggling. "Hehe.. both ways." Theh both laugh. "Seriously tho. You're forehead is hot." "Well. What should I do?" "Rest. We're going back to the hotel at 12pm later so you can rest better atleast." He said. She nodded and rested her head on his shoulder. He kissed her forehead and said." I hope the baby is okay. I love you both." She smiled." I love you too. And so does the baby." She smirked. They Chuckle.


"Bye guys!" Joel and Lizzie said hugging all of them." We'll see each other before you actually go back to England right?" Joey asked. "Maybe. Maybe not." Lizzie said replying." I hope we will. It's been fun talking with you guys!" Daniel said." Yeah it has but we need to back to the hotel now. Bye!" Lizzie and Joel said. They wave goodbye and go back to the Hotel.

HEY! Sorry I havent updated much. I'm very busy this week. And I'm also very tired because of all the practice I hope you guys understand. Anyways thats all and question of the day is.

Q: What is your qoute/s that you always use or follow? <Its okay two cause I have two>

A:" If you can dream it, You can do it." And "In This Crazy Journey|Trying to Find my way Around|Taking Dangerous Routes of adventure😍❤️✨⚡️" The second one I just made. Lmao


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