I Don't Mind - Chekov

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You were so tired. Three shifts at sickbay in a row and now you are called to the Bridge to receive and return some reports. Great.

You yawn and blink several times as you waited for the lift. You let your muscle memory take you to the Bridge, not really paying attention to your surroundings. You are welcomed onto the Bridge by smiles of some of the crew who noticed you. You gave them small smiles and nods, heading right for the Captain. He was in the middle of a conversation with Commander Spock. You respectfully stood off to the side, doing your best to stifle a yawn. 

You didn't notice Ensign Chekov sending you a few worried glances. He thought about giving you his seat since he wasn't doing anything and he could have sworn you were swaying on your feet.  Chekov turned to see if the Captain and Commander were about done, catching the Vulcan's eye, nodding discreetly to your tired form. Despite your best efforts in hiding it, it was quite obvious you were half asleep. Spock nodded to Chekov and brought you to the attention of the Captain.

Captain Kirk turned in his chair and stood when he saw you, taking a few PADDs from his chair armrest. "Ah, (L/n), I am sure Bones has been waiting for these."

You stand to attention and blink several times. "Thank you, sir." You nodded and turned to leave but you misjudged your footing and tripped. You reached out to stop your fall but a pair of arms reached out and grabbed you, keeping you up. You turned to be greeted by the kind eyes and smiling face of the Russian Ensign. You blushed and sent him a small smile.

"Are you alright?" He asked you kindly, keeping his voice down to not draw attention despite being at the front of the room.

You felt yourself blush harder, you look down and straighten your blue dress. "Yes, I am. Thank you for catching me, I guess I wasn't paying attention." You nervously laugh at yourself, tucking a free strand of hair behind your ear.

"No problem. Maybe as the doctor to give you a moment to rest. You don't look so good."

You looked up at Chekov, a lopsided smile pulling at your lips. "My goodness Chekov, I know we are friends but I didn;t think we knew each other well enough to make fun of our appearance." You laugh again at his apparent embarrassment at what he said.

"Oh no, no, that's not what I meant." He whispered a few Russian words, "I just meant that you looked tired. Your hair and body do look nice." He tried to save himself at the end but you let out a fit of giggles at his comment.

Chekov closed his eyes and whispered some Russian words again. You smiled and placed a hand on his chest, giving him a friendly pat. "It's alright Ensign, I wouldn't expect you to think clearly with hair like that." You wink at him and turn to leave, making sure to watch where you were stepping.

Once you left the Bridge, Chekov sat down in his chair with a humph. He heard chuckling and looked to his left finding Sulu smirking as he tried to look busy. "'Your hair and body do look nice'." The pilot mimicked the young officer. Chekov rolled his eyes and told him to back off in Russian causing Sulu to laugh even harder, raising his hands up in surrender. "Hey man, just be lucky she took it so well. Maybe you will run into later and tell her what a nice walk she has."

Chekov blushed. He hoped he didn't look like he was gawking when you left.


You had dropped off the PADDs to Doctor McCoy but didn't feel like you needed to ask for some time off to rest. He didn't say anything about how you were acting so you took that as a sign that you got over your drowsiness. Later that evening, you found yourself walking down one of the many halls on your way the cafeteria to get your first meal of the day. You were always so busy that you are only able to get one meal in, maybe two.

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