XXII: Amarié

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Sesshomaru kissed her skin before sinking his teeth into her throat. He knew he would be risking possible blood loss, but it was the only way to slow down the spread of the poison. He just needed to do this a few more times, to drain her affected blood.

He sucked as much as he could fill in his mouth, before turning his head to the side and spitting out her blood. Sesshomaru repeated this process eight more times, and only stopped when her blood felt warm and her heart started beating faster. Her temperature had now risen in contrast to her icy cold skin just moments before.

Rin was as still as a statue in his hold, awake but unable to respond. She kept going in and out of consciousness. 

And she had already lost an unhealthy amount of blood.

Sesshomaru pulled away, licking the wound on her throat to stop the blood from leaking, and then placing another small kiss over his bite mark. He didn't necessarily enjoy the taste of blood. Although it was a natural part of his diet as a dog demon, he never went out and purposefully searched for human flesh and blood. He didn't prefer it at all, especially now since Rin was with him.

He removed his long fur of his true form from his right shoulder, wrapping it around her.

Sesshomaru lifted Rin off her feet, carrying her bridal style as he leapt into the air. A-un and Jaken were on his heel as he rushed to the only entrance he knew of an old friend's fortress.

Jaken didn't even bother to ask where they were going because he knew. The last time they had seen her, Sesshomaru was on the verge of death, but she had brought him back.

Sesshomaru was especially nervous to see her, not because she was an immortal. Not because he was worried she would bring up their romantic past. But because of her trickery. She could do something to Rin, put something inside of her, and he wouldn't find out until it was too late. She was not to be trusted, but right now, she was Sesshomaru's only hope.

Amarié was a human who cheated death and the biological forces of aging. She was a genius, not necessarily a witch, but more on the lines of a powerful being with stolen abilities. She was an immortal who had permanent ties to Hell. And it was through the ties she had formed with demons that she had kept doing for many years what she continued to do now. Because of that, many that knew of her saw her as a demon. And she accepted it.

But the path to her unmatchable power and abilities was torturous. She fell in love with a demon as a human, and he had lured her into a trap in return. He changed her completely, making her a weapon of the underworld.

Then she ended up murdering him, stealing his powers and capturing his soul into hers. Because the demon's soul and abilities she stole was the third most loyal and strongest demon serving under the ruler of the Underworld, she had built up a much feared reputation for herself. Many demons feared her. But not Sesshomaru.

He only feared what she would do to Rin.


Amarié wiped a demon's blood off her hands onto her cloak, her crimson red wavy hair cascading down her back. Black symbols covered her skin, the only clear surface of her skin on her face. She wore a black cloak, and under the cloak a black kimono cut short to her thighs. She had silver like eyes that seemed to reflect every image shown in front of her, but when she wasn't focusing on her work, her eyes were as black as coal.

She was in the process of dissecting the body of a demon that was killed days ago and had been brought to her attention. All it took was a single scratch, a small scratch on his exterior forearm. And then he was dead.

Even with a cut as small as that, she couldn't figure out with abilities as advanced as hers, what the weapon was that killed this demon right away. She knew it was something of a sword. She also knew he had been attacked by such because of the erratic clumping of his blood. And it was frustrating her.

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