12/14/13 - 5:34 pm

24 1 0

12/14/13 - 5:34 pm

Things that you shouldn't do to me:

Don't compliment me,

I won't believe it

and I'll end up overthinking,

twisting your words,

into something not so pretty.

Don't tell me that you care

when I say "nobody cares,"

it's more than obvious

you only said that,

because of what I said

and probably don't mean it, too.

Don't build up my happiness,

just to have the satisfaction of ruining it.

It's selfish of you to do such a crime.

Don't force me into things I don't want to do,

I am not like you.

I am not comfortable

to do everything like you do.

Don't get too close to me,

because I'll get afraid

and push you away,

and walk past you in the hallways

as if I never knew your face.

Don't point out my flaws,

like how I can never fit into a group and

how I can never fit into my jeans,

because I know what's wrong with me

but I can't blame you

for pointing them out,

because I hate them, too.

- m.g.c.

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