"Come in.It's going to rain outside here". All of them walk into the house.They sit at the living room and starts talking about random things

Looking at Chorong's face,Mrs.Jihyo confidents she is much better than before.She feels relief

"Why isn't dad coming?" Chorong whispers at Jimin,not letting the others to hear them. "He is on duty.In Sydney". Jimin stops before naughty ideas approaches his mind. "You miss dad?" Chorong instantly denies. "No!"

Jimin can't stop teasing her. "Okay fine.It's a lie if I say I don't.He's my dad by the way"

Jimin hesitates for while. "Noona,I'm still sorry about...". Chorong cuts her. "Nothing to be sorry.Just forget it". Chorong waves her hand through the air

"Let me make some drinks for us"

Chorong instantly lifts her head up. "Let me help auntie". Chorong offerd herself. "Chorong?" Her mom looks at her weirdly. "Hmm.I'll be back in minutes"

She goes to the kitchen to make drinks for them

"Wow!Noona has totally changed". Suho smiles at Jimin's comment


Meanwhile at the kitchen,Chorong just stares at the cabinet. "Tss...I should let auntie to this". She taps her chin. "No no.I can do it.Just simple one.Herbal tea"

She claps once and looks for the tea.She pulls out the drawer and finds a medium packet of tea.She pours the powder into a jug

"So now,hot water". She wanders around.And finally she finds a kettle of boiled water on the stove. "There you are"


"Thanks unnie.Chorong looks good now". Mrs.Gayoon smiles

Suddenly Chorong appears with a tray of cups. "Yeay you made some drinks". Jimin excitedly claps for his noona. "Enjoy". Chorong smiles.Before she manages to leave them for kitchen again,Suho suddenly grabs her hand

"Ouch!" She moans painfully. "What's wrong?" Mrs.Gayoon asks worriedly. "What with your hand?It's red". Everyone's attention falls on her

"Arr...I..I accidentally touched the hot kattle just now". Chorong stutters. "Oh God!Really?You need to treat your burnt skin dear". Says her mom

"Come here". Suho forces Chorong to stand up.She obeys.Suho brings her to the lawn. "Wait here.I'll go and get the first aid kid". Suho runs into the house

'He's so caring'

Chorong chuckles to herself.After a couple of minutes,Suho comes back with first aid kid

He places the box on the coffee table before he moves to the mini garden. "What are you looking for?" Chorong yells from her spot. "Aloevera leaf!" Suho shouts back

"You go and wash your burnt skin first!" Chorong nods.After taking few pieces of aloevera leaves,he goes and gets Chorong

Suho smoothly touches Chorong's skin.He rubs the gel on her reddish skin. "How is it?" "It feels refreshing". "Next time,use the holder". "Ne?" Chorong frowns,not understands.Suhe just smiles

"You need to do this if your skin burnt or have wound.It's good for skin". Chorong nods again. "I just knew it". She watches every movement that Suho makes.She smiles alone

"Done". Suho's hazzy eyes meet hers. "Why do you give me that look?Am I that handsome?" Chorong blushes hardly. "No!I just wonder...Can I use it when my face burn?" Even though the question sounds a little bit stupid,it may help her at this point

"Sure". Suho replies while his hand is still busy wrapping Chorong's wrist. "How could you get this scar?" Chorong freezes at that sudden question

Her heart starts thumping like insane when Suho's black eyes drop on hers.She runs her gaze. "Don't tell me.You tried to..."

"Suho!Chorong!What are you doing there?Come in.We are going to have dinner together". Suho smiles brightly at his omma. "Okay omma.Chorong and I will be coming". He shouts

"Promise me you will tell me everything once be become friend". Chorong just nods her head

Suho can't hide his smile anymore.He feels like wanna make Chorong as his friend right on that time.He doesn't want to hesitate any longer

But he tries to keep himself patient

'You did know how to drive me crazy Chorong'

Suho's heart can't stop racing


It is already late if I want to congrats Pentagon on their debut?They are so PENTAstic!

I like Jinho.At the same time Kino looks catchy.Wooseok reminds everyone of Kris :( But my ultimate bias is Yan An xD

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