Part 11

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Dean and Sam had made their way in front of you, large bodies blocking you from any harm that could come from the front. They were like an intimating wall, scary, tall, and solid. You felt safe as they walked up to the door, knocked on it, and waited. You weren't visible to the woman who answered, or if you were all they could possibly see were your small legs from behind them.

"Can I help you?" She asked, her voice clinging on to a southern accent.

"Yes. Hi. This is my partner Agent Hamill, I'm Agent Ford." Both brothers fished out badges and flashed them for the woman to see. "We don't mean to alarm you. But recently there has been a string of robberies on your block. Do you mind if we come in and make sure your house is safe?" Dean lied expertly.

It almost made you a little nervous to talk to him. The words left him so smoothly, so perfectly that you were starting to wonder what else he lied about.

"I uh- sure." She was nervous and you could tell. She led the boys into her home, you still trailing close behind. "Our system is right here, and its usually always on."

"Thank you ma'am" Sam said, giving her a curt nod. You hugged the wall, walking down a hallway in search of the other members of the house quietly. You made quick work of the area you could, the bottom floor seemed to be clear, you couldn't find any traces of any large groups of people.

You sighed, making your way back to the boys. You turned, keeping your steps light on the ground so you couldn't be heard. You could hear Sam and Dean politely talking to the woman about her system, asking her questions as if they knew what they were talking about. You had a lot to learn, and your first step was going to be to lie as easily as Dean had.

A hand covered your mouth, pulling you to a chest. You attempted to scream, only to be met with another hand wrapping around your waist and pulling you in close to the man behind you. You couldn't see who, but it was apparent it was a man by the rather large build he had.

"Do you mind if I use your restroom?" You heard Sam ask, and grew ever more thankful that he was coming to find you.

"Yeah, first door on the right." The woman said, staying close to Dean.

You were being pulled up the stairs, feet kicking under you until another set of hands gripped your ankles tightly. You looked, eyes wide as you realized Stef was the one helping your unknown man hide you up stairs. You grew sad, no longer flailing about as they led you into a room.

The man never let go of you, but now that they weren't transporting you Stef let your feet fall to the ground. She never acknowledged you, never said anything, or even bothered to look you in the eyes. "Stef?" You tried to say, but your voice was muffled by the hand still wrapped around it.

"I know. You're shocked to see me. But I know you know what I am. You wouldn't be snooping around if you didn't." She laughed, "I can't believe you brought a hunter into my home!" She was pacing now, anger seeping out of her and thickening the room. "After all these years and I have to pretend nice with the two of you. I mean it was hard enough to get you to come. But then you practically parade around that you found hunters. And of course not just any hunters. The fucking Winchesters!"

"Babe calm down. We got her." Josh's voice vibrated through his chest as he spoke. You could feel it shake against your head. Tears were threatening to fall, but you kept them down. Your childhood best friend and her boyfriend were witches? Witches that wanted you dead?

"Yeah, but the fucking Winchesters are still downstairs blabbing on about shit to Coral." Stef chewed at her fingers nervously. She continued to pace in the small empty room, only able to take a few steps before she had to flip around and start over.

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