Chapter 8

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Hello Peoples. Soz the update is late in the week. It's been a stressful few days and yesterday was my birthday, so I was kinda distracted.

Either way, I hope you enjoy~


Phil's POV

Dan didn't try and talk to him in first period.

Or second.

Or during free period.

Dan only kept his gaze ahead, not really stealing any glances at him either. Or, Phil didn't think so, at least. Honestly, Phil knew he should probably be relieved that Dan is most likely respecting his rejection of an apology, but there's a pit in his stomach and he's kind of scared Dan might be mad at him.

Wait, why did Phil care if Dan was mad at him?

And what reason would Dan have to be mad at Phil!?

Phil tries not to think over it too much. The human mind is destined to worry if someone you expected to talk to you ended up doing the exact opposite.

The bell just signaled the end of the school day, and Phil is grateful that he can just go home and have a day to himself for once since this situation. He's decided that having Dan this past week only caused excitement in his life, both the bad and the good kind. If Phil would've let Dan completely into his life, the next thing he knew he could end up like some pot head who relies on a friend with benefit for his only source of pleasure.

As Phil is walking out the front doors of the school, he glances at the side of the building to see Dan gathered with his normal group of friends. No one seemed to hate on Dan for what happened, they just played it as him being his usual, reckless, self.

Just as Phil is about to turn his attention back to the front, he runs straight into a student. When they both stand up, the student notices who Phil is, and his facial expressions turns cold.

"Watch it, freak. Just because you let the man whore of the school grind against you, doesn't mean everyone else will," He scoffs. "Hell, you'd be lucky if you ended up with anything but a book in your bed."

The boy shoves past Phil roughly. "Try just being drunk the rest of your life, that might do you some good." He mutters into Phil's ear before storming off.

Phil rolls his eyes. He really wished he could just remain invisible. Because, unlike Dan, Phil's reputation didn't consist of anything close to the careless attitude he had.

Once he gets home, he's greeted by Alex's large smile. Phil honestly didn't know why his brother was still here. He didn't need some babysitter when his parents were away, and Alex had responsibilities of his own; like actually going to the university he should be at by now.

"Hey Phil, how was school? Did the people react as bad as you thought?"

Phil collapses onto the couch next to his brother. If he didn't feel so defeated right now, he wouldn't have even acknowledged Alex's existence. "I don't know, Alex. They sure as hell didn't react to it well. And the worst part is, no one even gives two flying fucks about Dan!" He exclaims, his exhaustion turning to anger. "Not only that, but Dan didn't even mutter a single word to me today. I mean, the least he could do is apologize, or at the most, shoot me an apologetic glance." He sighs, closing his eyes and trying to ignore the headache that is beginning to form.
"And the worst part is, I still have that dumb project that I have to do with him." Phil finishes, muttering into his hands.

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