Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

“Come on guys,” I shouted back before reaching the edge of the ravine near the pebbly river bed.  I caught a glimpse of the others ahead, rushing towards them.  I tried to make as little sound as possible, in case some wolves refused to surrender.

“Someone keep Arianne back,” I stated as I arrived at their campsite, looking down at Mary Lane to examine the damage done to her.  her eyes were shut loosely and her breathing was shallow as she moaned in pain at the slightest movement.

I found slices from the sword across her adomen and each of her limbs in various places.  Her entire body was covered in large bruises, the worst one on her cheek bone.  Her lip was split, and she had a deep cut on her forehead near her left eye.

We need to get moving, does someone have a cell phone so someone can drive down and meet us somewhere,” I asked as Arianne bent down to her sister and Samantha watched them carefully.

“I do,” Warren replied.  He pulled a cell phone out of his pocket and started dialing numbers, walking away so it was easier to hear the person on the other side.

“I think we should travel up the ravine then we can meet them up in the mountains while hiding deep in the woods where no hikers can find us.  We’ll just have to be on extra guard,” Teresa suggested.   “And they can call us back when they get to the meeting place.”

“That sounds good,” I said, turning to tell Warren, who was already telling the plan to the person on the other line.  Samantha prepared herself, changing into her giant wolf.  Everyone else followed, hoping they would blend in enough to look like another animal.

“Should we work in pairs so people think we are just trail riders on horses,” Annalisa asked.  I nodded, picking pairs.

“I’ll ride with Mary Lane on Sam,” Arriane suggested.  “So if we have to move fast she won’t fall off.”

“Okay, Aisling go with Angus and make sure your prisoner doesn’t try to get away when he wakes up, Annalisa why don’t you go with Teresa, Odette with Warren and Logan can go with Will while Jacob and Desirae go with me,” I replied.  “Jake do you think you can help Desirae if she is feeling naseus or dizzy?”

He nodded as I changed into wolf form, blending in with the rest of the crowd.  Annalisa helped Desirae up, then Jacob.

“Alright, they’re going to meet us up at the top of the ravine near the lake where the river is quiet after the waterfall.  Let’s get a head start because it might take us longer to run there than it will for them to drive.  There is a big mountain ahead of us.  Plus we will need to rest and hunt for lunch.”

I started off, leading the group up toward the waterfall.  I issed it earlier, avoiding it on my way here.  I knew it wasn’t too far off, only about three hours away.

“Three hours is too long,” I said to Warren through the link, keeping everyone else out of it.

“I know, but it’s the shortest time we’ve got,” he replied.  “Maybe one of your siblings could help Mary Lane, or you for that matter.  Pure ones were healers, they had healing properties that other wolves didn’t possess.”

“I could try when we get to the waterfall,” I replied.  “But I don’t know how much it will work because of how long ago the pure ones disappeared.  I don’t know if all of the abilities were passed down through my family.”

We ran silently for about an hour, the sound of heavy breaths and pebbles crunching under our feet seemed to only get louder as exhaustion and hunger slowed us down. 

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