OTP! (LeVage)

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The picture on top is a character that will be here in the story and probably more

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The picture on top is a character that will be here in the story and probably more

Name: Red (Savage)
Age: 13
Attitude: Childish, Shy, (sometimes) Flirty, Hard headed, Funny, Kind, Caring
Weakness: Sad movies/ story

Since I'm done with the character
Ps: one bell if you see this... PLEASE DONT KILL ME!

Raz and Mimi was walking in the park, until Mimi screamed and almost fainted.

And if you are wondering why she did it, well she saw Red and Ian taking. Why is it a big of a deal? Well they are her O-

"OTP! "

Mimi shouted while Raz is fanning herself to make sure she won't faint.

Mimi: Raz *breathes heavily* i-if I won't survive... Please take good care of my anime collectibles and burry my body pillow w-with *cough* m-me and make sure there is a poster of my bae in my coffin t-to. (#otakugoals)

Raz: *drops Mimi* Die you fabulous being so I the most fabulous human on earth have the anime collectibles.

Mimi: *le gasp and stands up so fast* NEVER!


After the two girls stop fighting and raise the flag of peace. They continued with what they we are supposed to do.

After another few minutes they figured out a plan to try and let their OTP together.

Mimi walks near to where Red and Ian are, with Raz close behind.

Mimi: Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ahem. Ah-

Raz: it's better if you cough, and make sure your loud *whispers*

Mimi: COUGH. COUGH. COUGH. COUGH. COUGH. COUGH. *Sees Ian looking at her* Hi 😄

Mimi felt a dark aura coming from someone. When she see who is releasing the dark aura, Her whole body turn white and her soul leaving her body.

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