Chapter Two: The University

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 Chapter Two: The University

Misty’s alarm clock resonated throughout the apartment causing her to groan and turn on her side to check the time; 5:45.  She pushed the myriad of blankets from her bed and entered her luxurious master bathroom.  Mild water flowed from several streams in the wall and trickled into the bathtub mixing with pink liquid to form a thick layer of bubbles. 

After she was satisfied, she submerged, allowing ample time for her favorite opulence of the day.  Fifteen minutes later, another alarm went off, signaling her retreat.  She succumbed to its beeping demands and equipped herself for the long day ahead.  She groggily made her way to the university, mulling over her schedule. 

Her first class to teach was at 8:45 and the time before that would be spent in preparation.  Next, at 11:45, she’d break for lunch and then attend her 12:30 class for her linguistics’ doctorate.  After that, came her Japanese class, she’d have to take extra preparation time; her student’s seemed to be greatly struggling this term.  Her final class of the day was applying linguistics to Russian in order for her student’s to see first handedly the benefits of breaking down a language into its many parts.

Her brakes screeched to a halt in the deserted parking lot and she fumbled around her purse for her keys and id.  Once claimed, she slung her bag across her shoulder as her heels collided with the asphalt.  They clicked loudly on the smooth, stone tile of the hallway and her key jiggled in the lock.  Once again, nostalgic memories overcame her, and as she entered the classroom, became lost in a flurry of wavering emotion. 

Eight-year-old Misty sat in the second grade classroom; her gut churning with a mixture of nausea and despair.  ‘It was only an accident,’ she reasoned.  Her teacher’s shoes made a series of all too familiar clicks growing increasingly louder as she neared the room.  The jingle of several keys confirmed young Misty’s fears and the door swung open revealing her teacher accompanied by the principal.  They ignored her pleading eyes and she was marched to a room labeled: In School Suspension. 

The lady in charge glowered as she shoved a notebook and pencil at Misty.  “Here, take it!”  Misty opened it to the first page, her hand trembling as she filled out the form.  Reason for visitation: accidentally pushing Emma off of the climber at recess.  Punishment: one day spent in ISS.  Apology: I am sorry for accidently pushing Emma after she made fun of my brain.

Twenty nine-year-old Misty sat at her desk, trying to deflect any other memories from penetrating her thoughts.  She finished her lesson plans in record time and pulled out her book titled One Step Closer: Exploring the Language of Gaelic.  In her free time, she had taken to learning new languages, how else would she reach her goal?  She currently spoke all of the following: Mandarin, English (obviously), Spanish, Hindi, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, French, Malay- Indonesian, German, Japanese, Farsi (Persian), Turkish, Sign Language (several different countries), Polish, Vietnamese, Korean, Italian, and Latin.  The very first one had been Spanish and since then, she pledged to learn 50 of them fluently.    

Deeply absorbed in the book, her heart leaped as one of her student’s entered.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”  Carlotta Amoretto stood before her teacher, a manila file resting between her crossed arms. 

“That’s all right, Carlotta.  What can I help you with?”

“Um, I don’t understand how we’re supposed to put our Japanese papers together.”

“Many of you had questions about that and we’ll have a discussion today during class.”  She nodded and left as abruptly as she had entered. 

“Professor Martin, you asked to see me?”  Misty timidly entered her Calculus teacher’s office.

“Yes, I’d like to talk to you about the thesis for your paper.”  He smiled, displaying a row of perfectly white and aligned teeth.  She slowly took a seat.  “You see, Misty, it’s a genius idea, the most superb.”  He leaned in closer for affect.  “You’re one of my smartest students, there’s no question in that and I have a proposal to make.”  He left his words hanging for a moment; just long enough for her stand up and flee the room.

Her face became flushed and she checked her watch; 8:40.  Stacking her files into a neat pile on the corner of her desk, she welcomed her first students into her classroom.


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