Bonus Chapter (42) | Nightmare on Elm Street *Hallowen Special* Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Chris, move." I whined, putting my hand on his chest, keeping him away from me.

"Relax, babe, it was just a joke, I didn't mean it like that." He stated, his voice so smooth. I'm not gone lie. I started to surrender right then and there in his arms, but only remembering  what he planned a few minutes ago, only pissed me off.

"Move Christopher!" I said.

"She went for the first name though!" Bryson said, and Chris let me go.

"Fine." He said, giving me a look. I crossed  my arms and walked past him, only to feel a hard ass smack on my ass.

"What the fuck-"

"Say something. I want you too." He said, in a deep voice hovering over me. I don't know what it was, but that look had me.

I kept my mouth shut and he walked past me, bumping into my shoulder. I turned around to see Ink and Bryson looking at me, shaking their heads and rubbing their fingers in shame. I gave them the finger and walked off, heading into black van that we were all going to be riding in. Once the kids were in, I made my way in, sitting down near the front, while Ink and Bryson sat behind me and Chris sat down beside me, and he had the nerve to thump me in my cheek.



"Thump me again and I will end you." I said and he scoffed shutting the door. Once the driver got the heads up to drove, we were on our way to go trick or treating.

As I looked out the window, I I felt someone blow in my ear. I cringed and I pushed whoever face it was away from me. I could hear Chris laughing and that event annoyed  me a little more.

"Would you stop?" I said, looking his direction. He shrugged and looked the  other way, so I reached over and thumbed his neck. He looked at me side ways and I laughed, deciding to look back  out the window. Wiping the  tears of laughter  that was coming down my face, I swear  ok thought  I saw a face  in the window scaring the hell out of me. I looked over at Chris and he gave me the same look.

"You saw that too?"

I nodded and we both sat back in our seats, and slid down in them some.


"Trick or Treat!"

As the kids grabbed their candy, Chris took them up to the people's house, while I stood behind and looked around at the other costumes that flowed through the streets. I stared in awe as the little toddlers played in on the sidewalk as they attempted to scare one another. It was really cute.

"Baby number 4?"

"Hell No." I swung my head at Chris as he walked down the drive way of someone's home sucking on a sucker.

"Just wondering."

"Well stop wondering." I said, as we continued to walk.

"This Halloween can't be real." Bryson said, shaking his head.

"How so?"

"Y'all haven't noticed people standing in corners in clown outfits...?" He questioned and I looked around not seeing any, at least in my sight.

"You just seeing things." Ink said. "I haven't seen anything."

"Same." Chris said.

"Here's another house!" Caleb shouted. We all stopped and allowed them to go get their treats.

"I don't know man, but I have a really bad feeling."

"If this is another prank, I swear someone is going to die." I stated, eyeing all three of them.

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