Stranger Forces..Stranger things Au

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Hey guys I bet your tired of me updating a new book every other day and I'm sorry it's just watch things that I want to write starco fanfiction about and I wanted your opinion before I post it and all so here it is..

Stranger Things Au...

It's my favorite Netflix series and I can't wait for season two! I'm dying here and I ship two character even if their 12 years old ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ but yeah if you have heard of this just tell me what you thought of the show, if your new and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about go watch it and then come back..

Anyways, I'm gonna follow the storyline but in my own ways I will put the original summary of the show and my plot to the book of it here it is..

An au of svtfoe in my favorite show on Netflix Stranger things, why not right? if you have no idea what that show is I recommend you watch it so you can understand it better and for the people that know it, can you believe how it ended? bring her back! I'll leave the story description below if you like

In a small town where everyone knows everyone, a peculiar incident starts a chain of events that leads to the disappearance of a child - which begins to tear at the fabric of an otherwise peaceful community. Dark government agencies and seemingly malevolent supernatural forces converge on the town, while a few locals begin to understand that there's more going on than meets the eye..

I'm gonna follow the plot and somehow turn it into starco, because hey why not and this version of Star(Eleven or El), she's quiet and doesn't understand many things and doesn't know what real emotions are like, love, care, affection, it's all new to her and keeping her powers under control is hard enough when she puts people she knows in trouble..

Marco (Mike) is fun and cool to be around with his best friends along with him, but when one of his friends goes missing, it's up to him, Ferguson and Alfonso to find their friends, but instead find her..

when days goes by Marco starts feeling weird emotions whenever he's near Star, will this workout or turn into a disaster..

Star has been abused for her unique and odd power she has possessed, her caretaker (Toffee-Papa) does test her to the limit which causes her to escape the facility in a dark and stormy night where she crosses path with Marco and his friends..

will she put her new friends in danger or will everything go the way it's supposed to be?

So that's the plot and as always just leave a comment and vote as always stay awesome my friends!

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