Chapter 6 | Let The Time Go

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As I walked back to my house I thought of all the things I was gonna tell Felix. I did want to support him. If he wanted to go through with this I wanna be there every step of the way. As I walked through the door I saw a blonde chick sitting on the couch. "Uhh who are you?" I said and I entered my house. "Oh, you must be one of Felixs dealers. What ya have?" She asks in this really southern accent I wanna punch her.

"Who are you?" I ask again. "Phew. Your really interested in his life. Well i guess that's nice." She says taking out a $50 and waving it at me. Soon I hear Felix come into the room. "Oh Felix!" The blonde girl says. "Who's this?" I say to Fee and just looks at me. "This is Cady. My biological sister. Cady this is Lyndsay. My foster sister." My eyes stay connected to Felixs who's are looking everyone but mine.

"Are you also a drug dealer?" Cady asks me. I turn my head towards her since Felix still hasn't looked at me. "Not anymore." I say taking her all in. "Well that's too bad am I right." She says trying to lighten the mood. I turn back to Felix and pull him into the hallway outside.

"You already found your birth family?!" I ask rather rudely. "Yeah." He replies. "How do you even know she's the real deal huh?" I say giving him a little shove. "Cady! What's your favourite colour?" Felixs yells. "Red!" I hear Cady yell back. "That proves nothing! I can't believe you went behind my back and did this! I'm your family fee!" I say to him.

"No Lyndsay. She's my family." Felixs says and I completely shut down. "You can shove it." I say and walk away. I couldn't believe what I just heard. I may be over reacting but I couldn't care less right now. I walked out into the streets and noticed that it was really late out. Shit. I forgot I was at a concert pretty much all day. I pulled my phone out and texted pretty much the only person who I could text. Lynn.

To: Lynn
Hey. What's up?

From: Lynn
Nothing much. Just wandering around the city.

To: Lynn
Oh really? Mind if I join you?

From: Lynn
Would you? I'm by Queens street.

I locked my phone and started to make my way to Queen Street. It wasnt too cold out. But it was August so you could feel the fall breeze in the air. As I walked closer I went onto Snapchat and snapped a blurry pic of a street light. I never ever had used social media before, but Lynn showed me the basics; twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, snapchat. Need to say I'm pretty hooked on them.

I clicked on Lynns snap and she pretty much had the same thing as me posted. I gave a little smile and then went onto Instagram. I went to her profile, cause you know, she's like my woman crush everyday. I clicked on her most recent pic which was a couple hours ago. It was of me, her and Kay all on the stage hugging. She captioned it. 'Being surrounded by 2 of my closest friends and all of you amazing people is all I could ever want.' And she had a few emojis in there as well.

A lot of the comments were about me though. The mysterious girl. I didn't really mind. I was a mystery to everyone now. And everyone wanted to know who I was. It was flattering but I know who I am and that's all I care about. I closed the app and looked up from my phone and saw a black figure leaning against a street light. It's Lynn.

I walked up to her and jumped at her from behind. "Jesus Lynn! You scared the life out of me!" She said holding her hand on her chest. "Oh please." I said and went in for a hug. She reluctantly gave me a hug and then we both let out a fit of laughter. "So what brings you to the streets of Toronto this late at night." I ask her as we walk in the direction of the nearest street.

"Just out thinking. What about you?" She asks me. "Well. Me and my brother sorta got into and argument and I walked out and I forgot it was late soo.. here I am hahah." I say waving me hands around. "What did you guys argue about?" She asks. I sigh. "Well. He had told me ealier that he had wanted to look for his birth family and that's when I left the first time and wounded up at the concert. Then when I got home he had already found his birth sister. And I just couldn't believe it. Then he basically called me not his family." I said letting it all out.

Lynn took it all in. "That's complex." She says and grabs my hand. My eyes shift down to our in winded fingers and the heat of her hand on mine. I take a glance at her face and she seems totally unfazed by this, not like me. I could feel my cheeks heating up and oh God I hate blushing. I quickly tried to tell my brain that we are just friends. Friends do these kind of things.

We continued to joke around while roaming the city streets, right until 7am then we decided to just go crash at the studio. While we were there we were completely out of it. Too tired to function but we somehow managed to stay up another 2 hours laughing at the littlest things and writing a bunch of songs.

It was a really great night and I couldn't wait to watch our snap stories when we woke up.

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