Chapter 13

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(Glen's POV)

A few weeks later and myself and Danny were free to go. Danny was really happy about this, he'd almost completely recovered and could do everything as normal. Me on the other hand, I wasn't completely fixed yet. I still found it hard to balance, and a lot of things still confused me. Like walking around things instead of into them. That's why Amy and Mark had been told to watch me. At least it meant spending more time with Amy.

"You ready to go Glen?" Amy asked, smiling at me. I nodded and slowly got to my feet. Mark held onto my arm, supporting me as I got used to being stood up again. Apparently, I was making a lot of progress, but I couldn't really see how.

"Ok too walk now?" He questioned and I smiled at him before taking a tentative step forwards.

"Yeah." I replied, slightly angry that he stayed hovering by my arm each step, as if he expected me to fall.

"Oi Mark!" Danny called from behind me, "He's not a child! You don't have to walk so close to him!"

I smiled, happy that someone else had noticed aswell.

"Oh. Will you be ok on your own Glen?" He muttered, his voice sounding slightly hurt.

"Probably." I said, "But be ready for just in case I'm not ok?" He smiled and hung back to walk with Danny, both of them having a laugh and a joke about something. Amy ran up beside me and linked arms with me.

"Excited to be leaving?" She giggled, opening the car door and pushing me inside.

"Yeah." I hummed, leaning against the head rest after fastening my seat belt. She laughed, sitting beside me. I closed my eyes as she grabbed onto my hand. I wish I could tell her how I felt. But with the age difference, she'd probably find it creepy. I felt someone shaking me and opened my eyes.

"Hmm?" I mumbled, looking around.

"Wakey,wakey! We're home Glen!" Amy shouted, making me wince.

"That was quick!"

"No you just fell asleep." She laughed, pulling me out of the car. I nearly slipped, but luckily Mark managed to stop me from falling.

"Oops." Amy cried, trying so hard not to laugh even more.

"Not funny." I grumbled, walking into the house as quick as I could, "I'm going to bed."

(Amy's POV)

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Mark, confused.

"He's probably just upset. He didn't tell you did he?"

"Tell me what?"

"He can't remember how to play the drums." Mark called, walking into another room to find Danny.

"Oh...Well anyway, he's still so grumpy."

"You're telling me?" Mark laughed, walking back into the room and placing a very mischievous Danny on the sofa, "He threatened to snap my neck if I even touched his bag this morning."

"No!?" I laughed, staring at Danny, "Danny?"

He looked up at me, smiling innocently.

"What have you done?"

"Wha? Nothing!" He insisted, sticking his hands in the air.

"Ok, so what were you going to do?"

"Nothing!" He sighed, burying his face into the cushion next to him.

"Why is everyone so grumpy today?" I cried. Mark laughed and pulled the cushion away from Danny, which resulted in a game of tug of war and feathers flying all over the room.

"I think it's because Danny's just put a spider in Glen's bed, isn't that right?"

Danny smirked, unsuccessfully trying to hide it behind his hand. Mark's statement was soon confirmed by the ear splitting shriek that came from upstairs. Danny burst into laughter, laying back on the sofa. I have to say, I giggled a bit myself.

"Danny O'Donoghue, that was a very mean thing to do!" I cried, tears of laughter rolling down my face. Footsteps ponded down the stairs and a very angry looking Glen appeared in the room.

"Ok. Which one of you miserable critters put a spider in my bed?" He growled, stopping my laughter. I quickly pointed at Danny and so did Mark.

"You're dead Daniel." He shrieked, grabbing a pan and chasing Danny around the room.

"Uh-oh." I whispered, looking over at Mark.

"Ah, just leave it." He chuckled, switching the TV on.

A/N Right filler chapter kinda. I was thinking, a few more chapters of this book because I can't think of anything to write about. But then I have an idea for a sequel...that is if any of you are wanting one? haha Please let me know =) Thanks

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