New Beginnings

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Failure is blindness to the strategic element in events; success is readiness for instant action when the opportune moment arrives. - Newell D. Hillis


I shuffled through the huge crowd of first years making their way through towards the Great Hall. The air was full of excitement. Fresh plans, higher spirits and a positive vibe spread a cheerful and energetic aura around the whole castle.

Things were finally getting back on track. Or so I hoped.

The war had been over for sometime now. Starting a school year in the middle of November seemed foolish to a lot of people, as only a few realised the ulterior motive behind such an unusual decision.

The war had brought with it heavy death causalities, the whole wizarding world was shaken down to it's roots, chaos and bloodshed had marked every nook and cranny known.

Not only that, but the psychological effects it had on the citizens, Muggles-Magical alike still lingered. Almost five months had passed, long and hard, followed by even more chaos and unrest, but still the process of healing, forgetting, moving on had started, albeit slowly.

It was a hard journey to normalcy for everyone. And even more so, for those who had been in the centre of it all. That being said, it was a surprise to everyone when along with me, Hermione Jean Granger, Harry and Ron had also decided to return to Hogwarts for our final year. One last time, to spend just one more year in the place we all grew up to consider our haven, our second home.

Seventh year wasn't exactly a picnic. Finding horcruxes, meddling with dark magic, gruesome creatures cursed to kill us every which way we turned; we were all traumatized, and fatigued.

Everyone considered us to have retired, or so to speak. As true as that were, we  all did need some time off to absorb everything in, and let it settle, but thats that.

I'd gone to Australia first thing after all the mess had been cleared up and Shacklebolt had officially declared himself the Minister of Magic, to find my parents and bring them back home. It had been difficult. Which was natural. I let them punish me with their harsh words, their hurt accusations because deep down I knew I deserved them. Then came the acceptance stage, and everything started to head back on the road to normalcy - albeit excruciatingly slow.

So, here I was, making my way towards the Great Hall for the first official day of my seventh, and last year of academic career at Hogwarts. It was still quite disconcerting to have people gawking at me every step of the way, but being the best friend of Harry James Potter did come in handy. I'd been the subject to these stares and gossip quite alot, even in the early years. I tried not to make a big deal out of it, unlike some people. Cough- Ronald- Cough.

Finally reaching the doors, I prepared myself mentally with a deep breathe  and stepped in. Instantly the chatter died, as everyone turned to look at me. For a moment, the memories came back. Harry and Voldemort dueling in the middle of the hall, Bellatrix cackling like a madwoman, House elves charging like a herd of bulls at the confused death eaters, Neville, Luna, George, Mrs. Weasley...

Sucking in a huge breathe to calm the oncoming wave of tears, I started forward.

'I will not cry. Whats happened, is in the past. Harry won, We won. Time to move on.' I repeated this mantra in my head.

The Great Hall had been repaired to its original state, endless heaven signalling an oncoming thunderstorm, floating candles and the Teacher's table were the same as before. The only difference was the arrangement of house tables. Instead of the usual four tables, there was one table as the people who returned to the castle were far fewer in number. It seemed like many people were still very much disturbed and being apart from their children for any given period of time was low on their priority lists as of yet.

People sat huddled in groups or pairs, talking in quite tones as I passed by. Some were sitting alone. I paused in my search to find Harry and Ron when I noticed that the alienated students were mainly from Slytherin.

With a sigh and a firm shake of my head, I continued towards the very end of the table, having located the infamous Redhead and Round glasses.

"Hey, you're finally here!" Ron said, by way of greeting, making space for me by scooting to the other side.

"Good Morning," I mumbled, taking my seat, eyes downcast.

" 'morning." Harry replied. I looked up and met with a thoughtful stare. Holding onto his gaze, I tried to convey the unspoken words of boost up which I knew he needed. Despite all his denial of stress, I'd known him for seven years of my life. It did account for something.

"Are you going to sit there like that? Hurry up! The teachers will be here any minute with the class schedules! Eat up!" Ron said, practically shoving a plate of eggs in my face.

"For Merlin's sake Ron, how many times do I have to tell you to not speak while you're eating? " I chastised, scowling as I tried to take out bits of bacon which had flown out of his mouth and into my bushy mane. Seamus and Dean snickered as Harry gave a weak smile.

" Everything will be okay." I whispered, taking Harry's hand and giving it a light squeeze. He gave a slight nod, exhaling with determination.

We'd faced Voldemort, a school year couldn't be scarier than that. Or was it?


Yes, that was the first chapter. How'd you like it? Do let me know in a review! plus, if anyone's interested in beta-ing, do let me know! I could do with some help and grammar checking! I'll be back with a new chapter soon! Till then, Peace. xx

------------ edited on 10/14/2019-----------------

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