Chapter 6:

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I flew back to my cabin, I open the front door amd walk in, I close it behind me.

Making sure It was lock also the Back door and window.

I walk Up stairs and walk to my room, closing it and walk to the bathroom.

When I was done I put on a Red night gown (is this right?) I jump on the bed and slept.


I watch as the (its a secrect name) fall a sleep I wish that, she knows the truth about herself.

-*sigh* I wish I can Help, But this will only gonna help a little bit so you can remember about Your family (its a secrect name).

I then gave a little bit of a flash back of what really was her family

We will see you soon (Its a secrect name)
I thought and jump down from the there near the window.

I hope I this go what Br said...
I thought (again) and open the portal to another deminsion.


No Ones:

-Mommy Mommy look what I took from daddy :)
Said a very hyper cheerful little girl

-What did you stilled this time sweetheart
Said a woman in her 20s but truth was she was in her 30s..

-look what I got in the library!.
Said the little girl

-let me see.
The woman said

It was a of picture Of her family and the soldiers and the mansion from back ground, and her baby girl that was in her hands.

The woman smiled and look at her daughter that was hugging her left leg.

-Its a picture of all of us, did you get this in the library home room?.
The woman said

The little girl then smiled and nodded.

-heh I think you should play with you're friends over there.
The woman said pointing at the little girls friends/soldiers

The child smiled and let go of her mothers leg, and went beside's a female soldier

-So you idiots ready for some training?!
A woman that was wearing a fulled armoired suit with a silver helment said

-yes m'am!
Everyone said and same for the little girl.

The little girl look at the soldiers that we're now fighting.
But then the whole thing went black everythig was all black nothing was seen or heard.
But then a sobbing was heard not far away.

Then out of the blue, Butterfly wings was seen forming behind from the little girls back, she screaming for help.........but nobody came......and everything wen't all black....

~~~~END OF DREAM~~~~

(Ugghhh I need to sleep cause it is all ready 10:32 pm here in filipino I will finish this tommorow morning)

(Hey Im back its 8:05 am)

I slowy open My eyes from the weird dream, I then look at my digital clock seeing that it was 6:32 Am.

What the fucking duck?
I thought.

I jump out of my comfortable bed and wen't to the bathroom.

~~~~~small time skip by Author-chan just woke up this moring cause it is already 8:09 here in filipino...yay~~~~~

I walk down stairs and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast.

I made some (fav breakfast) and ate (Ate in filipino is sister but....blah I do not care) it.

~~~~time skip cause I am getting bored~~~~

I was now walking in the woods to find some victims to kill.

I then saw a group of teens more like 5 teens walking in the forest I climed a tree and listen.

-Oh come on babe, Nothing gonna come here.
Said a guy with red hair.

-Yeah right, Remember the news that a killer lives here in this woods!?.
Said a girl with curly blond hair.

-yeah right a kil-
The guy with the red hair was cut of by a dagger that was now deep in his chest.

He landed on the ground with a thumb.

They all scream and ran away and leaving the blond slut here alone.

I took my other dagger and throw it at her, it hit her forehead.

I jump down the tree and open my Angel wing that were now in flames.(Yo gin-senpai ya happy?!)

I then flew a guy that also had red hair, I slice his head of and turn to the left and straight to a guy that had a brunette hair, I then slice him in half and flew to the last one, ohh this guy is a fuckboy.

I then slice his hand and feet, he fall to the ground.

-please don't kill meeee...
The fuckboy cryed.

I came closer to his ear and whisper.
-Light's out

And grab my knife and stab him on the spot where his heart was.

I got up and started flying away.

No one's:

What Y/n didn't that a faceless tree was watching her leave.

Done with the chapter!

Anyways I can update every day Cause I dont always have homework from hell, but only if i like to update cause me being the lazy twin more like sophie tho >:).

Anyways If i do want to update I'll update..
Cause Meh life is so full of drama.

I really like this book even if nobody reads it.
It Just got the idea of the wings from Gin-senpai
And step-chan story.

they are meh first BFF's cause I never have a bff in my life only friends but not bff.

And Thats way you the reader is only in this mest up world cause you are lonely with no friends no more family but in the end it will be happy and a bit sad.

But that why I'm rewriting this crappy book!

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